JuliaGeometry / Rotations.jl

Julia implementations for different rotation parameterizations
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Support automatic differentiation with Zygote #129

Open sethaxen opened 4 years ago

sethaxen commented 4 years ago

Supporting reverse-mode autodiff with Zygote requires two things:

I think the latter is the main thing missing for Zygote support. Supporting it would require adding custom rrules for constructors using ChainRulesCore, which has essentially no dependencies.

Here's an example that fails:

julia> using Rotations, Zygote

julia> foo(ω, v) = (RotationVec(ω...) * v)[1];

julia> ω, v = randn(3), randn(3)
([-0.5124874613220701, 0.27274002772526423, 1.0593705312514463], [-0.2329525748114141, -1.1183670007323072, -0.4878065893106537])

julia> foo(ω, v)

julia> Zygote.gradient(foo, ω, v) # expected from finite differences: ([-0.18142454901446126, -0.16476417425397563, 0.8182962760715483], [0.47098619925782836, -0.8816660765248943, -0.028929735807022527])
ERROR: Need an adjoint for constructor RotationVec{Float64}. Gradient is of type Array{Float64,2}

In this case mathematically the missing pullback is for the exponential map exp: so(3) → SO(3).

andyferris commented 4 years ago

OK - I'm not at all familiar with Zygote. Would supporting it mean (a) adding Zygote as a dependency and (b) adding some new methods to some Zygote functions (like rrules)?

sethaxen commented 4 years ago

OK - I'm not at all familiar with Zygote. Would supporting it mean (a) adding Zygote as a dependency and (b) adding some new methods to some Zygote functions (like rrules)?

Nope! It would only require adding ChainRulesCore as a dependency, which has a single dependency that in turn has no dependencies, so it's extremely light. The rrule function is in ChainRulesCore, so it would only involve overriding rrule for the constructors.

@oxinabox gave a nice talk on ChainRules at JuliaCon this year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4NfkkkJ7rs

andyferris commented 4 years ago

Yeah OK, seems quite reasonable to me. (Pull requests are always welcome :wink:)