JuliaGeometry / VoronoiDelaunay.jl

Fast and robust Voronoi & Delaunay tessellation creation with Julia
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New releases are needed for v0.6 #32

Closed robertdj closed 7 years ago

robertdj commented 7 years ago

Both GeometricalPredicates and VoronoiDelaunay works without warnings with Julia v0.6 on the latest version of their master branch. I think new releases should be made that drop support for anything below v0.6 as there are breaking changes (this will also fix the "build failing" Travis flag :-)).

My question is: What should we bump -- :patch, :minor or :major? I'm leaning towards :minor.

robertdj commented 7 years ago


Edit: I have made all the necessary changes, just need to push them.

skariel commented 7 years ago

@robertdj great! lets bump minor