JuliaGizmos / Interact.jl

Interactive widgets to play with your Julia code
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Doesn't work on Julia Box. #204

Open SimonEnsemble opened 6 years ago

SimonEnsemble commented 6 years ago

The following code works on my local machine but not Julia box. [only last part is relevant] But I think it should work on Julia Box by default? By doesn't work, I mean that the plot is static.

using Interact
import PyPlot; const plt = PyPlot

type SecondOrderSystem

function y_ovr_KM(t::Float64, system::SecondOrderSystem)
    # underdamped
    if system.ξ < 1.0
        # from lecture notes
        a = system.ξ / system.τ
        b = sqrt(1.0 - system.ξ) / system.τ
        return (1 - exp(-a * t) *(
                cos(b * t) + system.ξ / sqrt(1.0 - system.ξ) * sin(b * t)))
    # critically damped
    elseif system.ξ == 1.0
        return 1.0 - (1.0 + t / system.τ) * exp(-t / system.τ)
    # overdamped
    elseif system.ξ > 1.0
        τ₁ = system.τ / (system.ξ - sqrt(system.ξ ^ 2 - 1.0))
        τ₂ = system.τ / (system.ξ + sqrt(system.ξ ^ 2 - 1.0))
        return 1.0 - (τ₁ * exp(-t / τ₁) - τ₂ * exp(-t / τ₂)) / (τ₁ - τ₂)

fig = plt.figure()

t_ovr_tau = collect(linspace(0, 16, 100))

@manipulate for ξ=0.0:0.1:5.0; PyPlot.withfig(fig) do

    τ = 1.0 # this plot does not depend on tau* system.τ
    system = SecondOrderSystem(τ, ξ)

    y = y_ovr_KM.(t_ovr_tau * system.τ, system)

    plt.plot(t_ovr_tau, y, c="green", label="output")
    plt.xlabel("\$t/ \\tau\$")
    plt.ylim([0, 1.6])
    plt.axhline(y=1, color="k", linestyle="--")
rubensaid commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem.

twavv commented 5 years ago

JuliaBox seems to be using a very old version of WebIO. Can you ask the JuliaBox people about this?