JuliaGizmos / Interact.jl

Interactive widgets to play with your Julia code
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inner update of custom widget does not work with rangepicker #340

Open yakir12 opened 4 years ago

yakir12 commented 4 years ago

Sometimes I want to create some feedback control inside a custom widget: Say I have two rangepickers and I want to prevent the user from setting one of the slider to too high if the other slider is too low. So I want to build in to the widget a check that adjusts the sliders accordingly.

The following works in the sense that the resulting output from the widget is correct (so the feedback works), but the sliders themselves do not get updated and get stuck (they never again update):

function mywidget()
    p = rangepicker(1:10, value = [1])
    s = rangepicker(1:10, value = [1])
    on(p) do x
        Δ = x[1] - s[][1]
        if Δ < 0
            s[][1] += Δ
            s[] = s[]
    on(s) do x
        Δ = p[][1] - x[1]
        if Δ < 0
            p[][1] -= Δ
            p[] = p[]
    output = Interact.@map vcat(&p, &s)
    wdg = Widget(["p" => p, "s" => s], output = output)
    @layout! wdg vbox(pad(1em, hbox("Position", :p)), pad(1em, hbox("Size", :s)))
a = mywidget()
w = Window()
body!(w, a);

Note: With plain sliders (instead of rangepickers) this works flawlessly:

function mywidget()
    p = slider(1:10, value = 1)
    s = slider(1:10, value = 1)
    on(p) do x
        Δ = x - s[]
        if Δ < 0
            s[] += Δ
    on(s) do x
        Δ = p[] - x
        if Δ < 0
            p[] -= Δ
    output = Interact.@map vcat(&p, &s)
    wdg = Widget(["p" => p, "s" => s], output = output)
    @layout! wdg vbox(pad(1em, hbox("Position", :p)), pad(1em, hbox("Size", :s)))
a = mywidget()
w = Window()
body!(w, a);