JuliaGizmos / Interact.jl

Interactive widgets to play with your Julia code
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VS Code integration #404

Open diegozea opened 2 years ago

diegozea commented 2 years ago


Interact documentation claims that it works on Juno. But, Juno development has moved into the Julia extension for VS Code. At the moment, the package doesn't look to be working on VS Code using the Juno example:

Screenshot from 2021-09-20 16-16-45

Is it possible to change the old Atom/Juno-related display code to allow the package to work on VS Code?

Best regards,

twavv commented 2 years ago

See https://github.com/JuliaGizmos/WebIO.jl/issues/462.

It's up to VSCode (or some "glue package" that one might create, à la WebIOVSCode) to provide this integration. I'm happy to provide guidance/help iterate on it, but I don't have the bandwidth to create such a thing myself.

Also see: https://github.com/julia-vscode/julia-vscode/issues/1532

CC @pfitzseb @davidanthoff

jquetzalcoatl commented 2 years ago

Would be really nice to have this working in VS code. Any progress on this thread?

twavv commented 2 years ago

Not that I know of. Just waiting for someone to actually be willing to implement it themselves.

JobJob commented 2 years ago

One workaround is to use Blink to open a separate window - example here: https://github.com/JuliaGizmos/WebIO.jl/issues/462#issuecomment-990744621