JuliaGizmos / Interact.jl

Interactive widgets to play with your Julia code
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How to update two widgets on some event #416

Open kmiernik opened 2 years ago

kmiernik commented 2 years ago

I can't figure how to update more than one widget on some event. A simplified model of my program is as follow:

Here is working example. Problem is that observables in function map! are passed as values and cannot be changed within the function.

using Interact
using Blink
using GRUtils

function plot_data(limits, data_x, data_y, textsum)
    l = limits[1]
    r = limits[2]
    fig = Figure((640, 480), "pix")
    plot(data_x, data_y, "-o", markersize=0.2)
    plot([l, l], [minimum(data_y)-1, maximum(data_y)+1], "r--",
    plot([r, r], [minimum(data_y)-1, maximum(data_y)+1], "g--", 
    ylim(0, maximum(data_y) + 1)
    s = sum(data_y[l+1:r-1])
    # How to update textsum?
    # textsum[] = string(s)

plt = Observable{Any}(dom"div"())
data_x = Observable{Any}(0:1000)
data_y = Observable{Any}(rand(0:100, length(data_x[])))

limits = rangepicker(0:1000)
textsum = textbox("")
throttle(1.0, limits)

map!(plot_data, plt, limits, data_x, data_y, textsum)

ui = dom"div"(plt, limits, textsum)
w = Window()
body!(w, ui)