JuliaGizmos / Observables.jl

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modify MapUpdater to hold AbstractObservables instead of Observables #73

Closed hhaensel closed 3 years ago

hhaensel commented 3 years ago

This is the PR to #72

Currently, Observables throws an error when trying to map!(any, r, o) where o is a normal Observable and r is of a different observable type R{T} <: AbstractObservable{T}.

As map!(), map() and connect!() all support AbstractObservables, this is probably the only place, that needs to be adapted.

timholy commented 3 years ago

The concern here is that this hurts inferrability by changing the struct to have an abstract field. The MWE you linked, https://github.com/GenieFramework/Stipple.jl/issues/56, is about a Reactive which AFAIK is not an AbstractObservable (and Reactive.jl seems effectively unmaintained, so we should all switch to Observables). I therefore don't understand how this fixes that problem, and since there would be a significant downside to merging this, can you explain a bit more? Maybe with a test?

hhaensel commented 3 years ago

First of all, the Reactive is misleading, it is not referring to the Package Reactive.jl but to the main type of the Package Stipple.jl which is a subtype of AbstractObservable.

mutable struct Reactive{T} <: Observables.AbstractObservable{T}

The irritating point for me is that the function map!() is defined for AbstractObservables whereas the call of MapUpdater only accepts only Observable.

@inline function Base.map!(f::F, observable::AbstractObservable, os...; update::Bool=true) where F
    # note: the @inline prevents de-specialization due to the splatting
    obsfuncs = onany(MapUpdater(f, observable), os...)
    appendinputs!(observable, obsfuncs)
    if update
        observable[] = f(map(to_value, os)...)
    return observable
struct MapUpdater{F, T} <: Function

You could probably as well define map!() to accept only Observable{T}.

I'm not sure whether I understand the type inference problem completely and whether this problem would occur in our use case.

julia> x = Reactive(10)
Reactive{Int64}(Observable{Int64} with 0 listeners. Value:
10, 0, false, false)

julia> map!(sqrt, x, 16)
Observable{Int64} with 0 listeners. Value:

julia> x
Reactive{Int64}(Observable{Int64} with 0 listeners. Value:
4, 0, false, false)

Having said all this I must say that the pain for our Reactive type is not very big, as we can always refer to the Obersable field.

julia> map!(sqrt, x.o, 16)
Observable{Int64} with 0 listeners. Value:
timholy commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure whether I understand the type inference problem completely

struct MyType
f(mt::MyType) = mt.x

y = MyType(1.0)

followed by


should hopefully help explain. If you need this to work, given that it's better not to break inferrability I think you probably should add another type-parameter to `MapObservable`.
hhaensel commented 3 years ago

I understand better now, thanks. I'm not how I should add another type-parameter, though. But wouldn't the following code also solve the issue?

import Base.map!
@inline Base.map!(f::F, r::Reactive, os...; update::Bool=true) where F = Base.map!(f, r.o, os...; update=update)

At least I receive the following result:

julia> r1 = Reactive(1.0)
Reactive{Float64}(Observable{Float64} with 0 listeners. Value:
1.0, 0, false, false)

julia> r2 = Reactive(1.0)
Reactive{Float64}(Observable{Float64} with 0 listeners. Value:
1.0, 0, false, false)

julia> map!(sqrt, r2, r1)
Observable{Float64} with 0 listeners. Value:

julia> r1[] = 16

julia> r2
Reactive{Float64}(Observable{Float64} with 0 listeners. Value:
4.0, 0, false, false)
timholy commented 3 years ago

I'm not how I should add another type-parameter, though.

struct MapUpdater{F, T, O<:Observable{T}} <: Function

But wouldn't the following code also solve the issue?

Fine with me. If you're happy with that, that can go in the package that defines Reactive and you can close this and the issue. If you're not happy with that, feel free to add the version with the extra type parameter.

hhaensel commented 3 years ago

I think I'm fine with my proposal and we can leave Observables as is. Thanks for your advise; that gave me the thought in the right direction 😃