JuliaGraphics / Colors.jl

Color manipulation utilities for Julia
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`MSC()` is strange #349

Open kimikage opened 4 years ago

kimikage commented 4 years ago

MSC() have been introduced to realize the colormap function since 3e2dcf10c96898fba2ee41f27fbc2a8023d571b8 . I think MSC() is strange in some respects.

1. Name

As MSC() is not a constructor but an ordinaryl function, it is to be desired that the name is lowercase to follow the Style Guide, even though the original reference paper uses MSC(). In particular, I think the naming is important because MSC is exported. However, renaming MSC to msc, most_saturated_color, maximally_saturated_color or something else is not sufficient to solve the problems. The reasons are as follows.

By the way, although "colorfulness", "chroma" and "saturation" are often used loosely, the term "chroma" is used in the CIELAB and CIELUV color spaces. Perhaps "saturation" may mean that it is saturated in sRGB HSV space, though.

2. Return value

MSC(h) returns LCHuv color, but MSC(h, l) returns saturation value. So, if we follow the behavior, they must have different names and especially the latter should be renamed. Do we really need two different functions?

3. Color space

The current MSC() calculates in Luv(LCHuv) color space. I think the behavior is OK, but the name MSC() and its arguments are not informative about the color space. The function to get the maximally saturated color in Lab color space, might improve distinguishable_colors(). When we add such a variant function or method, we should modify the interface.

4. Validity

Edit: see added comments below

I wrote the following ugly function using binary search:

function find_maximum_chroma(c::LCHuv, low, high)
    high-low < 1e-4 && return low

    mid = (low + high) / 2
    lchm = LCHuv(c.l, mid, c.h)
    rgbm = convert(RGB, lchm)
    notclamped = max(red(rgbm), green(rgbm), blue(rgbm)) < 1 &&
                 min(red(rgbm), green(rgbm), blue(rgbm)) > 0
    if notclamped || ≈(lchm, convert(LCHuv, rgbm), atol=1e-4)
        return find_maximum_chroma(c, mid, high)
        return find_maximum_chroma(c, low, mid)

And then I got some strange results:

julia> find_maximum_chroma(LCHuv(90, NaN, 0), 0, 180) # 180 >= the maximum chroma in sRGB

julia> MSC(0, 90)

julia> convert(RGB, LCHuv(90, 22, 0)) # not saturated

julia> convert(RGB, LCHuv(90, 23, 0)) # saturated

julia> convert(RGB, LCHuv(90, 32, 0)) # of course, saturated

The disagreement is found in not only light colors but also purple colors:

julia> find_maximum_chroma(LCHuv(50, NaN, 280), 0, 180)

julia> MSC(280, 50)

julia> convert(RGB, LCHuv(50, 126, 280)) # not saturated

I don't know whether it is a feature. I have not investigated the cause of it.

Although it is not the main cause, I found a discrepancy in the gamma correction: https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/Colors.jl/blob/e7f4723e3da81803e8dd392513d11917117d0d21/src/algorithms.jl#L233-L234



What about a new function maximize_chroma(c::Union{Luv,LCHuv}; ltol=0, htol=0)? Where ltol: lightness tolerance, htol: hue tolerance. The current MSC() will be redefined as:

MSC(h) = maximize_chroma(LCHuv(0,0,h), ltol=Inf) 

MSC(h, l) = maximize_chroma(LCHuv(l,0,h)).c

Well, it is still in the planning stage and I am not ready for implementing it.

kimikage commented 4 years ago
  1. Validity

Although it is not the main cause, I found a discrepancy in the gamma correction:

Using srgb_compand(v), MSC(h) passes the following test.

for hsv_h in 0:0.1:360
    hsv = HSV(hsv_h,1.0,1.0) # most saturated
    lch = convert(LCHuv, hsv)
    msc = MSC(lch.h)
    @test msc ≈ lch atol=1e-6

So, the following patch may not be necessary. https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/Colors.jl/blob/e7f4723e3da81803e8dd392513d11917117d0d21/src/algorithms.jl#L195-L203

kimikage commented 4 years ago
  1. Validity

The disagreement is found in not only light colors but also purple colors:

It turns out it was a simple reason. MSC(h, l) uses the linear interpolation. https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/Colors.jl/blob/e7f4723e3da81803e8dd392513d11917117d0d21/src/algorithms.jl#L259-L260

The sRGB gamut is not triangular in L-C section, especially in blue to red via purple, as shown in Figure 3 from "Generating Color Palettes using Intuitive Parameters".

hue: 0° hue: 280°

see also: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SRGB_gamut_within_CIELUV_color_space_mesh.webm

It may be a good approximation for generating colormaps. However, I doubt it is sufficient for any purpose.

timholy commented 4 years ago

Really nice diagnosis and analysis, @kimikage. Your instincts are excellent, when you think you have a solution you like I look forward to your proposal.

kimikage commented 4 years ago

After hours of trial and error, I found that, somehow, the ugly function find_maximum_chroma (simplified version) is faster than any other methods I tried, even though it requires more than 20 iterations. :sweat_smile: Did the tail call optimization work well?

timholy commented 4 years ago

Did the tail call optimization work well?

Julia doesn't offer intrinsic support for TCO, except in cases where the result can be computed at compile time. But here it doesn't matter because most of the time is taken up by the v^(1/2.4) operation in srgb_compand.

kimikage commented 4 years ago

Probably maximize_chroma needs a lot of magic numbers. For this reason, I want to settle the RGB conversion matrix first.

However, it is not strictly "the first". It is related to the problem of gamut (cf. https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/Colors.jl/issues/372#issuecomment-562949564). Moreover, it is related to the problem with rand in ColorTypes.jl (cf. https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/ColorTypes.jl/issues/125, https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/ColorTypes.jl/pull/140).