I just updated with Pkg.checkout("Winston") and usually i switch to gtk (which seems to be more stable now), still with Tk:
lobi@orange4:~/juliarepo$ ../julia/julia
_ _ _(_)_ | A fresh approach to technical computing
(_) | (_) (_) | Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "help()" for help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 0.3.7 (2015-03-23 21:36 UTC)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| |
|__/ | x86_64-linux-gnu
julia> Pkg.status()
12 required packages:
- Autoreload 0.2.0
- Cairo 0.2.26
- Debug 0.1.3
- Docile 0.5.2
- Gadfly 0.3.12
- Gtk 0.8.1
- IJulia 0.2.5
- ImageView 0.0.20+ gtk
- JuliaParser 0.6.2
- Lexicon 0.1.10
- LightXML 0.1.11
- Winston 0.11.10+ master
- Rsvg 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- SHA 0.0.4
- SIUnits 0.0.3
- Showoff 0.0.4
- SortingAlgorithms 0.0.5
- StatsBase 0.6.15
- TexExtensions 0.0.2
- Tk 0.3.3
- URIParser 0.0.5
- WoodburyMatrices 0.0.1
- ZMQ 0.1.18
- Zlib 0.1.8
julia> using Winston
Warning: could not import Base.Text into Tk
julia> plot(rand(8,1),rand(8,1))
error during Tk callback:
ERROR: type cannot be constructed
in _magform at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:441
in _ticks_default_linear at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:508
in _ticks at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:794
in make at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:886
in exterior at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:1238
in interior at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:1755
in compose at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:1819
in page_compose at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:1835
in page_compose at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:1823
in anonymous at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/tk.jl:27
in configure at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Tk/src/tkwidget.jl:247
in init_canvas at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Tk/src/tkwidget.jl:408
in anonymous at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Tk/src/tkwidget.jl:387
in jl_tcl_callback at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Tk/src/tkwidget.jl:146
Error showing value of type FramedPlot:
ERROR: type cannot be constructed
in _magform at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:441
in _ticks_default_linear at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:508
in _ticks at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:794
in make at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:886
in exterior at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:1238
in interior at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:1755
in compose at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:1819
in page_compose at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:1835
in page_compose at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:1823
in anonymous at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/tk.jl:27
in display at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/tk.jl:35
in display at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Winston/src/Winston.jl:2775
in display at multimedia.jl:149
in print_response at REPL.jl:139
in print_response at REPL.jl:124
in anonymous at REPL.jl:586
in run_interface at ./LineEdit.jl:1379
in run_frontend at ./REPL.jl:818
in run_repl at ./REPL.jl:169
in _start at ./client.jl:400
I just updated with Pkg.checkout("Winston") and usually i switch to gtk (which seems to be more stable now), still with Tk: