JuliaHEP / AwkwardArray.jl

Awkward Array in Julia mirrors the Python library, enabling effortless zero-copy data exchange between Julia and Python
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Julia installation from `conda-forge`: CHOLMOD version incompatibility #102

Open ianna opened 1 month ago

ianna commented 1 month ago

Installing Julia from a conda-forge channel gives the following warning:

┌ Warning: CHOLMOD version incompatibility
│ Julia was compiled with CHOLMOD version 4.0.4. It is
│ currently linked with version 3.0.14.
│ This might cause Julia to terminate when working with
│ sparse matrix factorizations, e.g. solving systems of
│ equations with \.
│ It is recommended that you use Julia with the same major
│ version of CHOLMOD as the one used during the build, or
│ download the generic binaries from www.julialang.org,
│ which ship with the correct versions of all dependencies.
└ @ SparseArrays.CHOLMOD ~/anaconda3/envs/py311-julia19/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/SparseArrays/src/solvers/cholmod.jl:206

It's a known issue reported to https://github.com/conda-forge/julia-feedstock/issues/274

ianna commented 1 month ago

@Moelf - FYI