JuliaHEP / JetReconstruction.jl

Jet reconstruction (reclustering) with Julia
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Add generalised kt algorithm for e+e- #50

Open graeme-a-stewart opened 1 month ago

graeme-a-stewart commented 1 month ago

For FCCee studies this is a required algorithm (see FastJet manual sec. 4.5)

graeme-a-stewart commented 2 weeks ago

For reference, the choice of algorithms for e+e- (this one and #51) was very much informed by this presentation:


In particular slide 3:

We have focused on approaches we anticipate are well suited to FCC-ee (and ignored / given less priority to algorithms reputed to be pathological, e.g. JADE algorithm, or less suited to FCC-ee, e.g. standard pp algorithms & variants of them like Valencia)