JuliaHEP / JuliaHEP-2023

Materials for the JuliaHEP 2023 Workshop
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Additional polishing of content #16

Closed aoanla closed 10 months ago

aoanla commented 10 months ago

Whilst I think things are in a good place at the moment, I'm wondering if there's a few small things we could add - for example, we never actually say how to type the Unicode characters (especially for things that are operators like \xor !) When we had a notebook on \circ, it might have been covered there, but we might usefully add a "Julia LaTeX tab-completion" bit at the top of the intro maybe?

Are there any other topics, additionally, we think we need? Broadcasting and Multiple Dispatch are the obvious things we already have, the Do style anonymous functions are nice... but everything else (like the nice threading and async support) feels like it's too advanced really, unless anyone disagrees?

graeme-a-stewart commented 10 months ago

I had a few other thoughts - maybe a bit more on the package manager (a Julia highlight IMO). I was also thinking something on DataFrames and Plots, just to show off a bit more of the ecosystem. Or make it ODE solvers, plus plots, which is maybe more physics oriented? I think we can write these as bonus content, so if we don't get to them it's not a major issue.

I was totally tied up with a workshop these last few days, but I have some time next week for doing a bit more.

Moelf commented 10 months ago

at this rate we can write a book on "Practical Julia for HEP-ex"...

aoanla commented 10 months ago

Yeah, the Pkg bit is intentionally kinda rapid - I just mention some of the other things it can do (and for anyone who knows Rust, the Cargo comparison should help them understand how good it is). It could definitely be fleshed out...

If I was going to do a thing on Plotting in Julia, I'd write about Maki-e because I prefer it to the other plotting packages... I suspect you're more thinking Plots.jl though?

graeme-a-stewart commented 10 months ago

I was. I find that Plots is faster and easier to use, and often makes better choices out of the box (axes, for instance). Even if it doesn't quite reach the heights of Makie, it has a low barrier to entry, so I'd say it's better for an intro. (And we could mention Makie as an alternative.)