JuliaHEP / UpROOT.jl

Julia package to access CERN ROOT files, wraps Python package uproot
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Switch to PythonCall.jl? #27

Open Moelf opened 3 hours ago

Moelf commented 3 hours ago

@ianna reported installing this pkg breaks a bunch of things in her environment

oschulz commented 3 hours ago

PythonCall still seems to have trouble with Julia multi-threading (well, PyCall can have too, but it seems worse with PythonCall). So I'm not sure ... question is, do we need UpROOT long-term at all, now that UnROOT is already quite mature (and with UpROOT having no writing API anyway) and now that we have a working ROOT wapper package again? Or should we just recommend that users, if UnROOT can't handle their use case yet, use Python uproot via PyCall or PythonCall directly or use the ROOT wrapper?

ianna commented 3 hours ago

PythonCall still seems to have trouble with Julia multi-threading (well, PyCall can have too, but it seems worse with PythonCall). So I'm not sure ... question is, do we need UpROOT long-term at all, now that UnROOT is already quite mature (and with UpROOT having no writing API anyway) and now that we have a working ROOT wapper package again? Or should we just recommend that users, if UnROOT can't handle their use case yet, use Python uproot via PyCall or PythonCall directly or use the ROOT wrapper?

if there aren't any users, I'd suggest to remove it from Package Registrator (if such thing is possible).

Moelf commented 3 hours ago

if UnROOT can't handle their use case yet, use Python uproot via PyCall or PythonCall directly or use the ROOT wrapper?

I'm fine with this.

if there aren't any users, I'd suggest to remove it from Package Registrator (if such thing is possible).

can't really do that but we can make like a "stub“ release, where it doesn't do anything just make an error message. Or we can make it minimally useful .... can't be too hard

oschulz commented 3 hours ago

I'd suggest to remove it from Package Registrator (if such thing is possible).

It's not - that would also very much go against the concept of reproducible computation that Pkg gives us. :-)

But we can mention that the package is deprecated in GitHub and in the README, and - some packages have done something like that - release a new version that also prints a log info message to that effect then the package is loaded.