JuliaHealth / OMOPCDMCohortCreator.jl

Create cohorts from databases utilizing the OMOP CDM
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_determine_calculated_year is not supported in GetPatientAgeGroup #25

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 2 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Description: This is because conn is not passed to this dispatch. Needs fix on the refactor branch.


        [70, 79],
        [80, 89],
    tab::SQLTable = person,

TODO: Create dispatch docstring 

# Arguments:

`ids` - list of `person_id`'s; each ID must be of subtype `Integer`
- `age_groupings` - a vector of age groups of the form `[[10, 19], [20, 29],]` denoting an age group of 10 - 19 and 20 - 29 respectively; age values must subtype of `Integer`

`conn` - database connection using DBInterface

# Keyword Arguments:

- `age_groupings` - a vector of age groups of the form `[[10, 19], [20, 29],]` denoting an age group of 10 - 19 and 20 - 29 respectively; age values must subtype of `Integer`

- `minuend` - the year that a patient's `year_of_birth` variable is subtracted from; default `:now`. There are three different options that can be set: 
    - `:now` - the year as of the day the code is executed given in UTC time
    - `:db` - the last year that any record was found in the database using the "observation_period" table (considered by OHDSI experts to have the latest records in a database)
    - any year provided by a user as long as it is an `Integer` (such as 2022, 1998, etc.)

- `tab::SQLTable` - the `SQLTable` representing the Person table; default `person`

# Returns

- `df::DataFrame` - a two column `DataFrame` comprised of columns: `:person_id` and `:age_group`

# Note

Age can be difficult to be calculated consistently.
In this case, there are some assumptions made to ensure consistency: 

1. According to the OMOP CDM v5.4, only the variable `year_of_birth` is guaranteed for a given patient. This is one of three options used as the minuend in age calculations.

2. The subtrahend is based on what one chooses for the `minuend` key word argument.

The age is then calculated following what is selected based on 1 and 2.
This flexibility is encoded to allow a user to choose how they want age groups calculated as well as clear up an ambiguity on how this is determined.
function GetPatientAgeGroup(
        [0, 9],
        [10, 19],
        [20, 29],
        [30, 39],
        [40, 49],
        [50, 59],
        [60, 69],
        [70, 79],
        [80, 89],
    # TODO: _determine_calculated_year is not supported in GetPatientAgeGroup
    # **Description:** This is because `conn` is not passed to this dispatch. Needs fix on the `refactor` branch.
    # labels: bug 
    # assignees: thecedarprince

    # minuend = _determine_calculated_year(conn, minuend)
    age_arr = []

    for grp in age_groupings
github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Closed in 3a373097b4c5e451a2610d2579c2e9ee257c3541