JuliaHomotopyContinuation / HomotopyContinuation.jl

A Julia package for solving systems of polynomials via homotopy continuation.
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This adds an option to not use triangle inequality in voronoi trees and monodromy #576

Closed PBrdng closed 3 weeks ago

PBrdng commented 3 weeks ago

When the function used for metric does not satisfy the triangle inequality, monodromy can be faulty. This PR adds an option triangle_inequality, such that triangle_inequality = false overrides all checks based on the triangle inequality.

saschatimme commented 3 weeks ago

I guess the function is then also not a metric 😅

PBrdng commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, true. But there can be situations where it makes sense to pass a function that measures distances, but is not a metric in the mathematical sense. Should we rename metric to distance in UniquePoints?