JuliaIO / GIFImages.jl

Provides Gif support in Julia using LibGif
MIT License
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performance suggestions #19

Open johnnychen94 opened 1 year ago

johnnychen94 commented 1 year ago

The quantizers could possibly be improved, but doesn't have the bandwidth to check it 😢

Use MappedArrays to avoid allocating buffers for res at each iteration. This could be GC-heavy if the image itself is large.


[] is equivalent to Any[] and is slow. Use Concrete types, e.g., UInt8[]?


colors should also be a concret type Dict{RGB{N0f8}, UInt8}()


Computating order matters. Here we want to make sure pix is a dense memory with valid pointer. But we can compute it in one line, e.g., map(x->colors[x], @view(img[:, :, i])'). -- Vector and Matrix should be the same when you get the pointer of it so vec is needless.
