JuliaIO / ImageMagick.jl

Thin Wrapper for the library ImageMagick
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ImageMagick_jll v6.9.12-0 is breaking for PNG and TIFF #206

Open johnnychen94 opened 2 years ago

johnnychen94 commented 2 years ago
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.6.3
Commit ae8452a9e0 (2021-09-23 17:34 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin19.5.0)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-11.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

using ImageMagick_jll v6.9.12-0 (https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil/pull/3424):

julia> using ImageCore, ImageMagick

julia> img = Gray{N0f8}.(reshape(collect(0.0:0.01:0.49), 5, 10))
5×10 Array{Gray{N0f8},2} with eltype Gray{N0f8}:
 Gray{N0f8}(0.0)    Gray{N0f8}(0.051)  Gray{N0f8}(0.102)  Gray{N0f8}(0.149)  Gray{N0f8}(0.2)    Gray{N0f8}(0.251)  Gray{N0f8}(0.298)  Gray{N0f8}(0.349)  Gray{N0f8}(0.4)    Gray{N0f8}(0.451)
 Gray{N0f8}(0.012)  Gray{N0f8}(0.059)  Gray{N0f8}(0.11)   Gray{N0f8}(0.161)  Gray{N0f8}(0.212)  Gray{N0f8}(0.259)  Gray{N0f8}(0.31)   Gray{N0f8}(0.361)  Gray{N0f8}(0.412)  Gray{N0f8}(0.459)
 Gray{N0f8}(0.02)   Gray{N0f8}(0.071)  Gray{N0f8}(0.122)  Gray{N0f8}(0.169)  Gray{N0f8}(0.22)   Gray{N0f8}(0.271)  Gray{N0f8}(0.322)  Gray{N0f8}(0.369)  Gray{N0f8}(0.42)   Gray{N0f8}(0.471)
 Gray{N0f8}(0.031)  Gray{N0f8}(0.078)  Gray{N0f8}(0.129)  Gray{N0f8}(0.18)   Gray{N0f8}(0.231)  Gray{N0f8}(0.278)  Gray{N0f8}(0.329)  Gray{N0f8}(0.38)   Gray{N0f8}(0.431)  Gray{N0f8}(0.478)
 Gray{N0f8}(0.039)  Gray{N0f8}(0.09)   Gray{N0f8}(0.141)  Gray{N0f8}(0.188)  Gray{N0f8}(0.239)  Gray{N0f8}(0.29)   Gray{N0f8}(0.341)  Gray{N0f8}(0.388)  Gray{N0f8}(0.439)  Gray{N0f8}(0.49)

julia> ImageMagick.save("tmp.png", img)

julia> ImageMagick.load("tmp.png")
5×10 Array{Gray{N0f8},2} with eltype Gray{N0f8}:
 Gray{N0f8}(0.0)    Gray{N0f8}(0.051)  Gray{N0f8}(0.122)  Gray{N0f8}(0.129)  Gray{N0f8}(0.2)   Gray{N0f8}(0.259)  Gray{N0f8}(0.298)  Gray{N0f8}(0.349)  Gray{N0f8}(0.38)   Gray{N0f8}(0.439)
 Gray{N0f8}(0.0)    Gray{N0f8}(0.051)  Gray{N0f8}(0.122)  Gray{N0f8}(0.18)   Gray{N0f8}(0.2)   Gray{N0f8}(0.259)  Gray{N0f8}(0.298)  Gray{N0f8}(0.349)  Gray{N0f8}(0.431)  Gray{N0f8}(0.439)
 Gray{N0f8}(0.0)    Gray{N0f8}(0.078)  Gray{N0f8}(0.122)  Gray{N0f8}(0.18)   Gray{N0f8}(0.22)  Gray{N0f8}(0.259)  Gray{N0f8}(0.322)  Gray{N0f8}(0.349)  Gray{N0f8}(0.431)  Gray{N0f8}(0.49)
 Gray{N0f8}(0.051)  Gray{N0f8}(0.078)  Gray{N0f8}(0.129)  Gray{N0f8}(0.18)   Gray{N0f8}(0.22)  Gray{N0f8}(0.259)  Gray{N0f8}(0.322)  Gray{N0f8}(0.38)   Gray{N0f8}(0.431)  Gray{N0f8}(0.49)
 Gray{N0f8}(0.051)  Gray{N0f8}(0.122)  Gray{N0f8}(0.129)  Gray{N0f8}(0.2)    Gray{N0f8}(0.22)  Gray{N0f8}(0.298)  Gray{N0f8}(0.322)  Gray{N0f8}(0.38)   Gray{N0f8}(0.439)  Gray{N0f8}(0.49)

julia> ImageMagick.load("tmp.png") == img

julia> using PNGFiles # v0.3.9

julia> img == open("tmp.png") do io

If reverted to ImageMagick_jll@6.9.10-12+3, it is:

julia> img = Gray{N0f8}.(reshape(collect(0.0:0.01:0.49), 5, 10));

julia> ImageMagick.save("tmp.png", img)

julia> ImageMagick.load("tmp.png") == img

cc: @staticfloat @timholy

johnnychen94 commented 2 years ago

It turns out this version also breaks TIFF loading:

julia> using ImageMagick, TestImages

julia> filepath = testimage("camera", download_only=true)

julia> ImageMagick.load(filepath)
ERROR: /Users/jc/.julia/artifacts/e752bdc739f34d02e79c7fa834bc2f2e0d71c7e0/cameraman.tif: Null count for "Tag 34022" (type 1, writecount -3, passcount 1). `_TIFFVSetField' @ error/tiff.c/TIFFErrors/540
 [1] error(s::String)
   @ Base ./error.jl:33
 [2] error(wand::MagickWand)
   @ ImageMagick ~/.julia/packages/ImageMagick/b8swT/src/libmagickwand.jl:187
 [3] readimage
   @ ~/.julia/packages/ImageMagick/b8swT/src/libmagickwand.jl:274 [inlined]
 [4] load_(file::String, permute_horizontal::Bool; ImageType::Type, extraprop::String, extrapropertynames::Nothing, view::Bool)
   @ ImageMagick ~/.julia/packages/ImageMagick/b8swT/src/ImageMagick.jl:146
 [5] load_ (repeats 2 times)
   @ ~/.julia/packages/ImageMagick/b8swT/src/ImageMagick.jl:139 [inlined]
 [6] #load#30
   @ ~/.julia/packages/ImageMagick/b8swT/src/ImageMagick.jl:126 [inlined]
 [7] load(::String)
   @ ImageMagick ~/.julia/packages/ImageMagick/b8swT/src/ImageMagick.jl:126
 [8] top-level scope
   @ REPL[8]:1

@staticfloat if possible, could you help investigate this?

simeonschaub commented 1 year ago

FYI: bisected the test failures to https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick6/commit/a1a71cb6c494c98808a91a23224451667cf719e1

Edit: TIFF loading is a separate issue unfortunately, so simply reverting that commit is not enough

ViralBShah commented 6 months ago

The PNG stuff here seems to work correctly now with ImageMagick 6.9.12. The TIFF stuff still has the same error. There's also 6.9.13 upstream, which perhaps fixes the TIFF issue. Is that worth trying?

On M1, the bigger issue is that 6.9.10 is too old and doesn't work at all.

giordano commented 5 months ago

There's also 6.9.13 upstream, which perhaps fixes the TIFF issue. Is that worth trying?

I simply tried

diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 9e47aa8..fb6cacf 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ InteractiveUtils = "b77e0a4c-d291-57a0-90e8-8db25a27a240"
 FileIO = "1"
 ImageCore = "0.9, 0.10"
-ImageMagick_jll = "= 6.9.11"
+ImageMagick_jll = "= 6.9.13"
 julia = "1.6"


but I still get

issue #206: Error During Test at /Users/mose/.julia/dev/ImageMagick/test/constructed_images.jl:359
  Got exception outside of a @test
  /Users/mose/.julia/artifacts/0fca6f56665d8dfa11bad924ab67e24e6fdbc0d7/cameraman.tif: Null count for "Tag 34022" (type 1, writecount -3, passcount 1). `_TIFFVSetField' @ error/tiff.c/TIFFErrors/542

For the record, our ImageMagick_jll@6.9.13 currently corresponds to upstream version 6.9.13-6: https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil/blob/24010c93241559f44b967496e65782a9d18729f0/I/ImageMagick/ImageMagick%406/build_tarballs.jl#L5. I guess someone will have to report the issue upstream with a C reproducer, otherwise no one will look into this.

giordano commented 5 months ago

Actually, this seems to be https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/2015, which is apparently a bug in libtiff, still open: https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff/-/issues/110. https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/2015#issuecomment-1445173147 suggests

I used the workaround of first running the images through tiff2rgba (which strips those unknown tags, apparently), and then running convert on them.

Maybe we can do something similar? What's tiff2rgba?

mrAceT commented 4 days ago

I have the same problem.

I decided to upgrade ImageMagick 6.9.12-93 Q16 x86_64 17898 to ImageMagick 6.9.13-14 Q16 x86_64 18442

But that had no effect.

On an old test server I have ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 which is working perfectly.. quite frustrating!