JuliaIO / JSON.jl

JSON parsing and printing
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FileIO compatibility #276

Open denizyuret opened 5 years ago

denizyuret commented 5 years ago

Would it be possible to make JSON compatible with FileIO like JLD or JLD2? Right now I can save/load model files in different formats relying on FileIO figuring out the format looking at file extension and/or magic numbers and would like to do the same with JSON.

KristofferC commented 5 years ago

I really like how lean and non-bloated JSON.jl is. FileIO has had problems with increasing load times (https://github.com/JuliaPlots/Plots.jl/issues/1379) and also does a lot of questionable stuff like evaluating methods into other packages (https://github.com/JuliaIO/FileIO.jl/blob/a676a5c51fbc0181ebe46348c63cc6de9e09bcae/src/loadsave.jl#L197-L219) and other things that are not really covered by the stability guarantees. JSON.jl is a very important package since e.g. the benchmarking stack uses it which is regularly run on Nightly, so keeping it as stable as possible is useful. There can always be a JSonFileIO package for those that like using FileIO.