JuliaIO / JSON.jl

JSON parsing and printing
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typos #357

Closed musvaage closed 1 year ago

musvaage commented 1 year ago

exhausted heterogeneous homogeneous interface separate

$ grep -nr exausted JSON.jl
$ grep -nr heterogenous JSON.jl
JSON.jl/bench/micro.jl:39:    "heterogenous-array" => [
$ grep -nr homogenous JSON.jl
JSON.jl/bench/micro.jl:37:    "flat-homogenous-array-16" => collect(1:16),
JSON.jl/bench/micro.jl:38:    "flat-homogenous-array-1024" => collect(1:1024),
$ grep -nr inteface JSON.jl
JSON.jl/README.md:325:convenient user-defined inteface):
$ grep -nr seperate JSON.jl
JSON.jl/README.md:212:# then seperate

Possibly hardware was the author's intention here.

$ ed -s JSON.jl/test/json-samples.jl <<<'222,231p'
            \"point\":\"new GLatLng(40.211600,-74.695702)\",
            \"homeTeam\":\"Hamilton Library\",
            \"awayTeam\":\"LUGip HW SIG\",
            \"information\": \"Linux users can meet the first Tuesday of the month to work out harward and configuration issues.\",
            \"fixture\":\"Tuesday 7pm\",

Accordingly should the second sed command in this shell script be uncommented?

$ cat typos.sh
sed -i "s/exausted/exhausted/g" JSON.jl/src/Parser.jl
# sed -i "s/harward/hardware/g" JSON.jl/test/json-samples.jl
sed -i "s/heterogenous/heterogeneous/g" JSON.jl/bench/micro.jl
sed -i "s/homogenous/homogeneous/g" JSON.jl/bench/micro.jl
sed -i "s/inteface/interface/g" JSON.jl/README.md
sed -i "s/seperate/separate/g" JSON.jl/README.md
quinnj commented 1 year ago

Yeah, let's include the hardware fix too

musvaage commented 1 year ago

let's include the hardware fix too

implemented and soft reset performed