JuliaIO / LibExpat.jl

Julia interface to the Expat XML parser library
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IJulia demonstration notebook -- updated based on @vtjnash comment #15

Closed catawbasam closed 10 years ago

catawbasam commented 10 years ago

Amit, Thanks for creating LibExpat.jl. I have been finding it very useful. This pull request would add a demonstration IJulia Notebook along with a hyperlink to nbviewer from README.md. If you pull it, you'll probably want to change the nbviewer URL in README.md to replace 'catawbasam' with 'amitmurphy'.

vtjnash commented 10 years ago

I see you are using find() and refferring to it as an xpath. This is likely to confuse readers. Xpath is a formal spec, partially implemented by the xpath function (or getindex[] notation). Find accepts a simplified format that superficially resembles an xpath (and internally is parsed into an xpath expression).

Dump seems to show many parents because it is recurring on the root node (which is self-referential)

catawbasam commented 10 years ago

@vjtnash, Thank you for clarifying the distinction between find()'s argument and the XPath spec. I'll update the notebook with, hopefully, a clearer description of find().

amitmurthy commented 10 years ago


The path used in find is not based on xpath and is something that I came up for my use.

Will merge this PR and change the language to reflect this