JuliaIO / MAT.jl

Julia module for reading MATLAB files
MIT License
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MAT.jl can not open variables storing string arrays. #166

Open Leon6j opened 2 years ago

Leon6j commented 2 years ago

I have two string arrays stored in a MAT file named test3.mat. They can be read out easily within Matlab, but I’m having big trouble reading them out in Julia.

Below is my code:

using MAT
F1 = matopen("test3.mat");
a = read(F1, "a");
a = read(F1, "b");

Here is a link to the test3.mat file: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0CtmgoektpD9oYZf2nzrN1aVQ#test3

Here is one of the string arrays that was read out of the MAT file in Matlab:

a =

20×1 string array
