JuliaIO / MAT.jl

Julia module for reading MATLAB files
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cannot read tables that are nested into a struct #194

Open lmulder1991 opened 8 months ago

lmulder1991 commented 8 months ago

I tried to load an object that I converted to a struct. The struct is correctly parsed into a Dict, but the table itself gets converted into another Dict with the "S0/1/2" & "arr" keys instead of the table it self. In the exampe I created a simple table, but it happens to any table I think, at least also my more complex table ends up in this same format.

julia> using MAT

julia> file = matread(raw"path_to\test_data.mat")
Dict{String, Any} with 2 entries:
  ""  => UInt8[0x00 0x01 … 0x00 0x00]
  "s" => Dict{String, Any}("data"=>Dict{String, Any}("s1"=>Int8[77, 67, 79, 83], "arr"=>("", UInt32[0xdd000000; 0x00000002; … ; 0x00000001; 0x00000002;;]), "s0"=>Int8[], "s2"=>Int8[116, 97, 98, 108, 101]))

julia> file["s"]["data"]
Dict{String, Any} with 4 entries:
  "s1"  => Int8[77, 67, 79, 83]
  "arr" => ("", UInt32[0xdd000000; 0x00000002; … ; 0x00000001; 0x00000002;;])
  "s0"  => Int8[]
  "s2"  => Int8[116, 97, 98, 108, 101]


mkitti commented 8 months ago

To clarify, what kind of "table" would you like to see? A DataFrame from DataFrames.jl?

lmulder1991 commented 8 months ago

Yes; that would work for me

KeithWM commented 4 months ago

Facing the same/similar issue here with tables nested within tables. As an example, consider the attached file subtable.zip (containing a subtable.mat). subtable.zip It was created, I think, with the following MNWE script:

x = [11; 12];
y = [13; 14];
t1 = table(x, y);
x = [21; 22];
y = [23; 24];
t2 = table(x, y);
s.subtable = t1;
s(2).subtable = t2;

It contains a table, of which one of the fields is itself a table. Upon reading it in Julia, the result is not what I would hope:

>> loaded = load('subtable.mat');
>> loaded.s(1).subtable

ans =

  2×2 table

    x     y 
    __    __

    11    13
    12    14

but in Julia the result is weird...

julia> loaded = MAT.matread("subtable.mat")
Dict{String, Any} with 2 entries:
  ""  => UInt8[0x00 0x01 … 0x00 0x00]
  "s" => Dict{String, Any}("subtable"=>Any[Dict{String, Any}("s1"=>Int8[77, 67, 79, 83], "arr"=>(""[…]