JuliaIO / MeshIO.jl

IO for Meshes
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Finite Element Meshes #19

Closed KristofferC closed 4 years ago

KristofferC commented 8 years ago

What is the reaction to using this package for loading meshes typically used by Finite Element programs (Abaqus .inp meshes, GMSH .gmsh, etc).

I believe it will be hard to fit these different meshes into a nice concrete type that isn't more than wrapping a Dict but being able to have one place where you can get your FEM mesh from file -> julia dict is useful. I see many people implementing their own mesh readers over and over in different packages. Waste of time.

SimonDanisch commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I got quite sad by this as well... One million mesh types and loaders/writers deeply hidden in some package... That's exactly what I was trying to avoid when developing MeshIO and FileIO ;) I'm very open to any Types/ideas/libraries to improve on this!