JuliaIO / MeshIO.jl

IO for Meshes
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Fix 2dm `save` #62

Closed nirmal-suthar closed 3 years ago

nirmal-suthar commented 3 years ago

OffsetInteger doesn't seem to be accepted by Int in newer release, so using GB.value to extract the value

nirmal-suthar commented 3 years ago

Tests are failing due to error in loading .off not able to figure out the reason (only failing in test.off but test2.off/cube.off working fine)

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching UInt32(::GeometryBasics.OffsetInteger{-1,UInt32})
SimonDanisch commented 3 years ago

This is missing: https://github.com/JuliaGeometry/GeometryBasics.jl/commit/4bc7ebcad7dafae1392ef2fabc3405fcd7c78033

SimonDanisch commented 3 years ago

Continued in: https://github.com/JuliaIO/MeshIO.jl/pull/63