JuliaIO / Zarr.jl

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Order field should be 'F' #78

Open tbenst opened 2 years ago

tbenst commented 2 years ago

Since this package saves data as column-order, the order field should be F per https://zarr.readthedocs.io/en/stable/spec/v1.html?highlight=row%20major#metadata, but currently this is set to C


meggart commented 2 years ago

This is a bit more tricky, because you have to define what exactly 'C' and 'F' mean here. Almost all datasets in the wild are stored in 'C' order. If we would read these datasets in the same order, we would have to transpose everything to mimic the same dimension order in Julia. In order to avoid this problem, we simply revert the order of all dimensions, which is the equivalent to what packages like NetCDF.jl HDF5.jl and others are doing. This means that when you save an array of size (2,3,4) it will write a size of (4,3,2) to the metadata and pretend to have written the data in C order.

The same happens when reading a dataset saved by e.g. the python zarr implementation. Dimensions will always be reversed in comparison to numpy arrays, e.g. when I save a 100x5 matrix in python, the Julia Zarr implementation will return a 5x100 matrix.

tbenst commented 2 years ago

Almost all datasets in the wild are stored in 'C' order.

I'm very sympathetic to this challenge. However, I'm not sure we should break spec to overcome. As you can see below, python zarr handles reading both order='F' and order='C' into row major, while Zarr.jl is out of spec. I propose that the most consistent approach is for Zarr.jl to transpose order='C' when reading, read order='F' as is, and save order='F'.

Python -> Julia

>>> import zarr, numpy as np
>>> zarr.array(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), order='F',store='f.zarr')
<zarr.core.Array (3, 2) int64>
>>> zarr.array(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), order='C',store='c.zarr')
<zarr.core.Array (3, 2) int64>
>>> zarr.open('f.zarr')[:]
array([[0, 1],
       [2, 3],
       [4, 5]])
>>> zarr.open('c.zarr')[:]
array([[0, 1],
       [2, 3],
       [4, 5]])
julia> using Zarr

julia> zopen("c.zarr")[:,:]
2×3 reshape(::Matrix{Union{Missing, Int64}}, 2, 3) with eltype Union{Missing, Int64}:
  missing  2  4
 1         3  5

julia> zopen("f.zarr")[:,:]
2×3 reshape(::Matrix{Union{Missing, Int64}}, 2, 3) with eltype Union{Missing, Int64}:
  missing  4  3
 2         1  5

There are three errors: 1) value should be 0, not missing. 2) The shape should be (3,2) 3) Zarr.jl should read "c.zarr" and "f.zarr" as the same matrix.

Julia -> Python

julia> a = zcreate(Int,3,2,path="julia.zarr")
ZArray{Int64} of size 3 x 2

julia> a .= reshape(collect(1:6),3,2)
ZArray{Int64} of size 3 x 2

julia> a[:,:]
3×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  4
 2  5
 3  6
>>> zarr.open('julia.zarr')[:]
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])

There is one error: the matrix was saved with the wrong dimensions.

Edit: updated for clarity. Also, HDF5.jl ought to operate differently since HDF5 forces storing data row-major, whereas Zarr supports column-major.

meggart commented 2 years ago

There are three errors: 1) value should be 0, not missing. 2) The shape should be (3,2) 3) Zarr.jl should read "c.zarr" and "f.zarr" as the same matrix.

Regarding 1) this is expected since python sets the fill value to zero, so zeros are supposed to be interpreted as missings. With respect to 3) I think that opening a "f.zarr" should currently throw an error instead of returning the wrong data (and I thought it did, this was an oversight and I will prepare a PR).

So to me we should really discuss point 2) and I would very much appreciate if others (@Alexander-Barth @visr ) could voice their opinions as well and I think a lot of this is connected to personal taste. Maybe this is domain-dependent, but usually there are conventions about the storage order of certain datasets. For example in climate science when you have arrays of dimensions longitude, latitude and time you would almost always have time as the record dimension with their index changing slowest, because many operations would be done map-by-map. So opening such a dataset, I would expect something like lon-lat-time in Julia while in Python I would expect time-lat-lon arrays.

The point is that when we start transposing the arrays by default, this would first add an extra copy of the data and in addition lead to inefficient cache access when accessing the data in map slices, i.e. slower computations. I know that one could avoid the copy by using PermuteDimArrays instead but this would cause even more headache for finding efficient loop orders.

A second argument would be that datasets saved by xarray have named dimensions, so axes are not defined by their position bu by name. When you open a dataset e.g. with YAXArrays.jl axis names and values are read correctly and you can do slices and subsetting by axis name. In the future this will hopefully be possible for DimensionalData.jl as well.

tbenst commented 2 years ago

Yes, would love to hear input from folks in other domains. I’m using Zarr to pass large matrices between Julia and Python in different pipeline steps. IMHO row major versus column major is an implementation detail, but two matrices with different shapes are not the same matrix. Two different Zarr implementations should not read a different matrix from the same file.

Hope I’m not coming off as critical—been having a great experience with Zarr.jl and would highly recommend over HDF5!

Alexander-Barth commented 2 years ago

I would (by far) favour that the order of dimensions is lon, lat, time in Julia if the file is written as time, lat, lon in python (when written with the default C ordering). As I understand, this is the current behaviour in Zarr.jl. The CF conventions also recommends this ordering:

COARDS standardizes the description of grids composed of independent latitude, longitude, vertical, and time axes. In addition to standardizing the metadata required to identify each of these axis types COARDS restricts the axis (equivalently dimension) ordering to be longitude, latitude, vertical, and time (with longitude being the most rapidly varying dimension). Because of I/O performance considerations it may not be possible for models to output their data in conformance with the COARDS requirement. The CF convention places no rigid restrictions on the order of dimensions, however we encourage data producers to make the extra effort to stay within the COARDS standard order.


The longitude dimension should vary the fastest. For my experience, this part of the CF conventions is well followed for NetCDF files.

tbenst commented 2 years ago

The issue is that the current behavior is out of spec for Zarr. Quite simply, we are saving data as column-major, but metadata labels it as row-major. Right now, Zarr.jl does not support column-major data storage in Zarr — we instead use a hack to save it transposed in row-major.

Totally appreciate that NetCDF may benefit from different behavior, specifically for latitude and longitude.

it seems that switching to using order=F gets best of both worlds? This wasn’t possible in HDF5 backend.

Edit: to clarify, we are in agreement on the reading side!

I propose that the most consistent approach is for Zarr.jl to transpose order='C' when reading, read order='F' as is, and save order='F'.

I would (by far) favour that the order of dimensions is lon, lat, time in Julia if the file is written as time, lat, lon in python (when written with the default C ordering).

visr commented 2 years ago

The issue is that the current behavior is out of spec for Zarr. Quite simply, we are saving data as column-major, but metadata labels it as row-major.

I'm not sure we are out of spec. I don't read anything in the spec about having to permute the data instead of the dimensions. I do understand that it doesn't make things easier however, I have raised a similar issue in ArchGDAL in the past.

If a Zarr file has (shape = (2, 3), order = C), since Julia is order F, we can choose to either permute the dimensions or permute the data. Given that permuting the data is much more expansive, we permute the dimensions instead, so we get shape (3, 2) in Julia. When writing this data, it is equally correct to call it either (shape = (2, 3), order = C) or (shape = (3, 2), order = F). I believe Python does not permute the dimensions, but just tells NumPy what the storage order is (it supports both), and keeps the dimension order the same as what is written in the file, regardless of the storage order.

Here is some more reading:

The HDF5.jl issue also links to the HDF5 user guide which explicitly says that for Fortran, permuting the dimensions (not the data) is the right thing to do (HDF5 is always stored in C order).

When a Fortran application describes a dataspace to store an array as A(20,100), it specifies the value of the first dimension to be 20 and the second to be 100. Since Fortran stores data by columns, the first-listed dimension with the value 20 is the fastest-changing dimension and the last-listed dimension with the value 100 is the slowest-changing. In order to adhere to the HDF5 storage convention, the HDF5 Fortran wrapper transposes dimensions, so the first dimension becomes the last. The dataspace dimensions stored in the file will be 100,20 instead of 20,100 in order to correctly describe the Fortran data that is stored in 100 columns, each containing 20 elements.

tbenst commented 2 years ago

thx for the thoughtful reply!

I believe Python does not permute the dimensions, but just tells NumPy what the storage order is (it supports both), and keeps the dimension order the same as what is written in the file, regardless of the storage order.

Yes you are correct.

>>> zarr.open('c.zarr')[:].flags
  OWNDATA : True
  ALIGNED : True

>>> zarr.open('f.zarr')[:].flags
  OWNDATA : True
  ALIGNED : True

HDF5 user guide which explicitly says that for Fortran, permuting the dimensions (not the data) is the right thing to do (HDF5 is always stored in C order).

I think this is reasonable for HDF5, since no support for F order.

I don't read anything in the spec about having to permute the data instead of the dimensions.

I suppose the question comes down to: should Zarr.jl preserve only memory order, only shape data, or both? Right now, we only preserve memory order. But we could do both:

Order Read/Write Behavior
C R permute dims (current behavior)
F R read data as is (new behavior)
C W permute dims then write (current behavior; but make non-default)
F W write data as is (new behavior; default)

This way, if order=F we preserve both. If order=C, we preserve memory order. Another benefit is I don't think this would be breaking.

visr commented 2 years ago

Yeah that sounds reasonable. I'll leave it up to @meggart if he want to write F order by default. Since it is the Julia order it sounds logical. Though as he said, C order files are much more common in the wild.

meggart commented 2 years ago

I'll leave it up to @meggart if he want to write F order by default. Since it is the Julia order it sounds logical. Though as he said, C order files are much more common in the wild.

Ok, let's think about the default for order then, I still haven't made up my mind. However, I think the first step would be to make 'F' order possible at all, I will try to do this as soon as I have time. Probably this will be as simple as putting some of the "reverse" statements into a conditional that checks for the ordering, but this would need some thorough testing.

meggart commented 2 years ago

@tbenst I have created this branch https://github.com/meggart/Zarr.jl/tree/fortran_storage_order which makes the permutation of dimensions conditional on the storage order so that 'F' order files are not messed up anymore. I do not really have the time to polish this up and add unit tests, so it would be great if you could volunteer.

I think I would also be fine with making 'F' order the default when creating arrays, but it might be worth checking with the zarr community first to get an overview on how many zarr implementations support Fortran order (I think NCZarr will not). It would also be nice to add a deprecation cycle for this, i.e. throwing a warning in the next version when order is not set during array creation announcing that 'F' will be the default in the future. Let me know if you have questions

meggart commented 2 years ago

One option might also be to use https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Preferences.jl so that users can overwrite their preferred default storage order.

visr commented 2 years ago

What advantage does Preferences.jl have over setting the order with a keyword argument? The only thing I can think of is if you have wrapping code that does not expose that keyword. The downside is that now writing behaviour becomes dependent on local user settings, which may make things harder to reproduce, if people forget to include these LocalPreferences.toml when sharing code.

meggart commented 2 years ago

What advantage does Preferences.jl have over setting the order with a keyword argument?

The only advantage would be in case we can not agree on what the default value for the keyword argument should be. Personally I will continue to write data in 'C' format and will have to remember adding the keyword argument every time I write a file when we make 'F' the default. But you are right, it is probably a bad idea in terms of reproducibility, so let's drop this.

tbenst commented 2 years ago

@meggart thank you so much for all your work! I am happy to put some time in polishing this and adding unit tests. I will also make a post to check in for advice with the Zarr community