JuliaImages / ImageCorners.jl

Corner Related Algorithms ⛶
MIT License
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Performance issue analysis #7

Open ashwani-rathee opened 1 year ago

ashwani-rathee commented 1 year ago
ashwani-rathee commented 1 year ago

Profiling data for algorithm: harris, shi_tomasi, kitchen_rosenfeld

Profiling code and profiled .jlprof files are available here: https://github.com/ashwani-rathee/JuliaImages-ProfileView/tree/main/ImageCorners.jl

timholy commented 1 year ago

Did you ever figure out if they are doing the same computation? You can even see if we return the exact same result as them for the same image. Assuming there might be a difference you might want to use small test cases rather than typical test images so you can trace down any differences.