JuliaImages / ImageFiltering.jl

Julia implementations of multidimensional array convolution and nonlinear stencil operations
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possible performance improvement to `mapwindow` #179

Open johnnychen94 opened 4 years ago

johnnychen94 commented 4 years ago

Didn't explore it in depth, but the following hand-written version in 5mins is faster than what mapwindow provides, so I believe there are still room for performance tweak:

# Julia Version 1.6.0-DEV.497
# Commit bd318e6662 (2020-07-20 22:11 UTC)

julia> img = float32.(testimage("camera"))

julia> function my_mapwindow(f, img, window)
           out = zeros(eltype(img), axes(img))
           R = CartesianIndices(img)
           I_first, I_last = first(R), last(R)
           Δ = CartesianIndex(ntuple(x->window ÷ 2, ndims(img)))
           @inbounds @simd for I in R
               patch = max(I_first, I-Δ):min(I_last, I+Δ)
               out[I] = f(view(img, patch))
           return out
my_mapwindow (generic function with 1 methods)

# LoopVectorization v0.8.6
julia> function my_mapwindow_avx(f, img, window=3)
           out = zeros(eltype(img), axes(img))
           R = CartesianIndices(img)
           I_first, I_last = first(R), last(R)
           Δ = CartesianIndex(ntuple(x->window ÷ 2, ndims(img)))
           @avx for I in R
               patch = max(I_first, I-Δ):min(I_last, I+Δ)
               out[I] = f(view(img, patch))
           return out

julia> mse(my_mapwindow(mean, img, 3), mapwindow(mean, img, (3, 3)))

julia> @btime my_mapwindow(mean, $img, 3);
  7.183 ms (2 allocations: 1.00 MiB)

julia> @btime my_mapwindow_avx(mean, $img, 3);
  6.423 ms (2 allocations: 1.00 MiB)

julia> @btime mapwindow(mean, $img, (3, 3));
  8.069 ms (57271 allocations: 3.78 MiB)
timholy commented 4 years ago

Yes, now that wrappers don't allocate we should revisit the strategies here.

rafaqz commented 3 years ago

For 2d windows at least, mapwindow can be an order of magnitude faster by instead of a view into the main array, moving a block of StaticArrays along the rows and updating it for each column using a @generated function that reads only one column at a time. The block can be of 2 or 4 etc StaticArray windows so we read an even number each time. You can read less than one cache line per window this way, and use one thread per block of rows.

I wrote this for DynamicGrids.jl, but it would be good to abstract this out into some kind of generalised stencil package some day so these algs can be more widely used: https://github.com/cesaraustralia/DynamicGrids.jl/blob/master/src/maprules.jl#L348-L370

ashwani-rathee commented 2 years ago

I noticed performance seemed to degrade a lot(let's say it didn't remain realtime) as I increased the filter size to something like (13,13) ( on a image of around (500,500) but then was able to find let's say a more suitable way for problem by first using mapwindow with filter (3,3) that worked. It's an excellent tool though, to remove noise and small blobs. would be great to have even slightly better version of it. ps: was using for realtime hand gesture recognition, worked great with our julian tools..though still looking for optimizations : )

Code for the project ```jl using GLMakie, VideoIO using Images, ImageDraw, BoundingSphere using Printf using LinearAlgebra using Cairo, Luxor, LazySets, StaticArrays function drawdots!(img, res, color ) for i in res img[i[1]-5:i[1]+5, i[2]-5:i[2]+5] .= color end end function dist2p(p1, p2) sqrt((p1[1]-p2[1])^2 + (p1[2]-p2[2])^2) end function findmyangle(a1, a2; center) acos((dist2p(a1,center)^2 + dist2p(a2,center)^2 - dist2p(a1,a2)^2) / (2 * dist2p(center, a1) * dist2p(center, a2))) end """ findconvexitydefects(contour, convhull; dist = 1.1, absdiff = 10, mindist = 0, currsize = 50, d1 = 2, d2 = 2, anglemax = π/2) return the convexity defects using contour points and convexhull ###### Arguments - contour -> contour points using suzuki and abe algorithm - convexhull -> convexhull boundaries found from ImageMorphology.jl - dist and absdiff -> helps in edge cases when trying to synchronize contour points and convexhull - mindist -> to control min distance of a defect from a convex hull region line - currsize -> to avoid small regions of contours - d1 and d2 -> to control of defect from pair of convexhull points forming line individually - anglemax -> helps to control max angle between convex hull line points and the defect Idea | For one region :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: ![](https://i1.wp.com/theailearner.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/hand_hull1.jpg?resize=624%2C438&ssl=1) | ![](https://i0.wp.com/theailearner.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/conv_def1.jpg?w=489&ssl=1) """ function findconvexitydefects( contour, convhull; dist=1.1, absdiff=10, mindist=0, currsize= 50, d1 = 2, d2 = 2, anglemax = π/2 ) # first we need to match our contours and our convehull regions numindices = [] previous = 0 for i in convhull for (num,j) in enumerate(contour) if norm(Tuple(i) .- Tuple(j)) < dist && abs(previous-num) > absdiff # to avoid small and very close regions push!(numindices, num) previous = num break end end end # we want the numindices same as our convhull points, # to define regions of interest for each convhull line defects = Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}([]) # indexes with defects # incase numndices < convhull indexes, # meaning we don't hv regions for all lines if size(numindices)[1] < size(convhull)[1] throw(error("Raise the range dist, numindices points less than convexhull points, $(size(numindices)[1]) $(size(convhull)[1]) ")) end # iterate over each consecutive pair of convhull points to form line for i in 1:size(convhull)[1]-1 # to handle the case where numindices are like 1256, then 1 if numindices[i] > numindices[i+1] curr = vcat(contour[numindices[i]: end], contour[1: numindices[i+1]]) else # general case to define contours poins for each convhull region curr = contour[numindices[i]:numindices[i+1]] end # to remove minor regions of contours, we can set currsize if size(curr)[1] < currsize continue end # Defining the line p1 = Float64.(Tuple(convhull[i])) # point 1 p2 = Float64.(Tuple(convhull[i+1])) # point 2 line = Line(;from=[p1[1], p1[2]], to=[p2[1], p2[2]]) maxdef = 0 # max distance from our convhull line defloc = CartesianIndex(0,0) # location of the that point # check for each contour point in a convhull region # their distance and find max distance point for j in curr p = SA[j[1], j[2]] lpdist = LazySets.distance(p, line) # find distance # update if we find new max if lpdist > maxdef maxdef = lpdist defloc = j end end def1 = norm(Tuple(defloc) .- Tuple(p1)) def2 = norm(Tuple(defloc) .- Tuple(p2)) # we can define what minimum distance from line should be angle = findmyangle(p1,p2; center=defloc) if maxdef > mindist && def1 > d1 && def2 > d2 && angle < anglemax push!(defects, defloc) end end defects end """ function objecttracker(img) Return image which tracks green colored objects from the input image ## Details Steps - Converts image to HSV space - Set HSV value range to create binary mask which can identify green objects - Find contours from that binary mask - Pick the largest contour area and find its bounding box - Draw the bounding box on the input image - return the resultant image """ function objecttracker( img, h = 20, s = 255, v = 255, lh = 0, ls = 20, lv = 70, boundingboxvar = 10 ) hsv_img = HSV.(img) channels = channelview(float.(hsv_img)) hue_img = channels[1, :, :] val_img = channels[3, :, :] satur_img = channels[2, :, :] mask = zeros(size(hue_img)) h, s, v = h, s, v h1, s1, v1 = lh, ls, lv ex = boundingboxvar for ind in eachindex(hue_img) if hue_img[ind] <= h && satur_img[ind] <= s / 255 && val_img[ind] <= v / 255 if hue_img[ind] >= h1 && satur_img[ind] >= s1 / 255 && val_img[ind] >= v1 / 255 mask[ind] = 1 end end end mask = mapwindow(ImageFiltering.median, mask, (3, 3)) img = dilate(dilate(dilate(mask))) contours = find_contours(img) try convhull = convexhull(img .> 0.5) push!(convhull, convhull[1]) res = findconvexitydefects(contours[1], convhull; dist=3, absdiff = 2, currsize= 30, mindist =20) img_convex1 = RGB{N0f8}.(ones(size(img))) drawdots!(img_convex1, res, RGB(0,0,1)) draw!(img_convex1, ImageDraw.Path(convhull), RGB(0)) draw_contours(img_convex1, RGB(0), contours) return img_convex1, size(res)[1] catch e img_convex1 = RGB{N0f8}.(ones(size(img))) draw_contours(img_convex1, RGB(0), contours) return img_convex1 , -1 # return Gray.(img_convex1), e # return Gray.(img) , 0 end end; # rotate direction clocwise function clockwise(dir) return (dir) % 8 + 1 end # rotate direction counterclocwise function counterclockwise(dir) return (dir + 6) % 8 + 1 end # move from current pixel to next in given direction function move(pixel, image, dir, dir_delta) newp = pixel + dir_delta[dir] height, width = size(image) if (0 < newp[1] <= height) && (0 < newp[2] <= width) if image[newp] != 0 return newp end end return CartesianIndex(0, 0) end # finds direction between two given pixels function from_to(from, to, dir_delta) delta = to - from return findall(x -> x == delta, dir_delta)[1] end function detect_move(image, p0, p2, nbd, border, done, dir_delta) dir = from_to(p0, p2, dir_delta) moved = clockwise(dir) p1 = CartesianIndex(0, 0) while moved != dir ## 3.1 newp = move(p0, image, moved, dir_delta) if newp[1] != 0 p1 = newp break end moved = clockwise(moved) end if p1 == CartesianIndex(0, 0) return end p2 = p1 ## 3.2 p3 = p0 ## 3.2 done .= false while true dir = from_to(p3, p2, dir_delta) moved = counterclockwise(dir) p4 = CartesianIndex(0, 0) done .= false while true ## 3.3 p4 = move(p3, image, moved, dir_delta) if p4[1] != 0 break end done[moved] = true moved = counterclockwise(moved) end push!(border, p3) ## 3.4 if p3[1] == size(image, 1) || done[3] image[p3] = -nbd elseif image[p3] == 1 image[p3] = nbd end if (p4 == p0 && p3 == p1) ## 3.5 break end p2 = p3 p3 = p4 end end function find_contours(image) nbd = 1 lnbd = 1 image = Float64.(image) contour_list = Vector{typeof(CartesianIndex[])}() done = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false] # Clockwise Moore neighborhood. dir_delta = [ CartesianIndex(-1, 0), CartesianIndex(-1, 1), CartesianIndex(0, 1), CartesianIndex(1, 1), CartesianIndex(1, 0), CartesianIndex(1, -1), CartesianIndex(0, -1), CartesianIndex(-1, -1), ] height, width = size(image) for i = 1:height lnbd = 1 for j = 1:width fji = image[i, j] is_outer = (image[i, j] == 1 && (j == 1 || image[i, j-1] == 0)) ## 1 (a) is_hole = (image[i, j] >= 1 && (j == width || image[i, j+1] == 0)) if is_outer || is_hole # 2 border = CartesianIndex[] from = CartesianIndex(i, j) if is_outer nbd += 1 from -= CartesianIndex(0, 1) else nbd += 1 if fji > 1 lnbd = fji end from += CartesianIndex(0, 1) end p0 = CartesianIndex(i, j) detect_move(image, p0, from, nbd, border, done, dir_delta) ## 3 if isempty(border) ##TODO push!(border, p0) image[p0] = -nbd end push!(contour_list, border) end if fji != 0 && fji != 1 lnbd = abs(fji) end end end return contour_list end # a contour is a vector of 2 int arrays function draw_contour(image, color, contour) for ind in contour image[ind] = color end end function draw_contours(image, color, contours) for cnt in contours draw_contour(image, color, cnt) end end println("Step 1: open camera") f = VideoIO.opencamera() println("Step 2: Set original image shower") img = read(f) fig = Figure(size =(200,200), title = "Hand Gesture Recognition") ax2 = GLMakie.Axis( fig[1, 1], aspect = DataAspect(), xlabel = "x label", ylabel = "y label", title = "Resultant Image", backgroundcolor = :gray80, ) hidedecorations!(ax2) node2 = Node(rotr90(imresize(img[:,1:480], ratio=1/2))) makieimg2 = image!(ax2, node2) display(fig) while isopen(f) img1 = read(f) data = [20, 255, 255, 0, 20, 70, 10] img1,num = objecttracker(imresize(img1[:,1:480], ratio=1/2)) # println(num) z = convert(Array{RGB24},img1') img1 = CairoImageSurface(z) Drawing(img1.width, img1.height, :png) placeimage(img1, 0, 0) sethue("red") fontsize(10) if num != -1 Luxor.text("$(num[1]+1)", Luxor.Point(10, 10), halign=:center) end img2 = image_as_matrix() node2[] = rotr90(img2) # node2[] = rotr90(img1) sleep(1 / VideoIO.framerate(f)) # sleep(0.2) end ```
evetion commented 2 years ago

I've hit the performance degradation on larger window sizes of the above code as well. I've dabbled with @rafaqz approach, but found it hard to get right/performant. I would certainly be interested in a generic version.

For now, over at GeoArrayOps, I've found some nice performance for large window sizes because my maximum/minimum filters are separable (2d = multiple 1d operations) or by repeating a smaller windows (for diamond shaped windows).

rafaqz commented 2 years ago

Im refactoring the neighborhoods in DynamicGrids.jl to be a Neighborhoods.jl package for similar purposes to yours (e.g. slope filters).

It should be a lot faster than mapwindow here, I would hope at least 10x. For really large window sizes it will slow down too, at some point you need an FFT.