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Demo Addition-HistogramMatching #165

Closed ashwani-rathee closed 3 years ago

ashwani-rathee commented 3 years ago

I think the issue of the cover image and that of the left part of the histogram still remains and more will be there after review.

ashwani-rathee commented 3 years ago

@johnnychen94 I think what I should do is do it for RGB images and showing different histogram matching for each channel...and also an example of using build_histogram

johnnychen94 commented 3 years ago

Yes, it seems that RGB images are more illustrative (easier to identify the changes).

I don't know much about the application of histogram matching so I googled it and found the skimage example pretty good to copy (We may need a citation to it because they're the original)

According to https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/blob/d254263605c6c173c563258d51f44e65782d4365/skimage/data/__init__.py#L896-L934, these two images are released under CC0 license so it's free to use. We can add these two images to TestImages and then use them here. See https://testimages.juliaimages.org/ for the guideline on how to add new images.

ashwani-rathee commented 3 years ago

This can be closed now,since I can't find its source and so wasn't able to implement changes from its base