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WIP: add remote demos from other packages #218

Open johnnychen94 opened 2 years ago

johnnychen94 commented 2 years ago

This is a parallel work to #159 and focuses only on demos.

This setup would grab all the demos from other packages and build a centralized one, for test purposes, I've added two packages:

Currently, this is a playground for https://github.com/johnnychen94/DemoCards.jl/pull/89 (still WIP), but you can check the previews at https://juliaimages.org/previews/PR218/examples

Current unsolved issues:

johnnychen94 commented 2 years ago

Yeah it works:


Eventually, I'd like to make it

    "theme": "grid",
    "remote": {
        "transformations": "https://github.com/JuliaImages/ImageTransformations.jl.git:docs/examples"


    "theme": "grid",
    "remote": {
        "transformations": {
            "url": "https://github.com/JuliaImages/ImageTransformations.jl.git",
            "subdir": "docs/examples"

so that we don't need to introduce the external git submodule commands.