JuliaInterop / Clang.jl

C binding generator and Julia interface to libclang
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size_t wrongly translated to Cint #417

Closed SimonDanisch closed 1 year ago

SimonDanisch commented 1 year ago

Clang version: v0.17.2

c header:

  extern RPR_API_ENTRY rpr_status rprContextCreateMesh(rpr_context context, rpr_float const * vertices, size_t num_vertices, rpr_int vertex_stride, rpr_float const * normals, size_t num_normals, rpr_int normal_stride, rpr_float const * texcoords, size_t num_texcoords, rpr_int texcoord_stride, rpr_int const * vertex_indices, rpr_int vidx_stride, rpr_int const * normal_indices, rpr_int nidx_stride, rpr_int const * texcoord_indices, rpr_int tidx_stride, rpr_int const * num_face_vertices, size_t num_faces, rpr_shape * out_mesh);

julia translation:

function rprContextCreateMesh(context, vertices, num_vertices, vertex_stride, normals, num_normals, normal_stride, texcoords, num_texcoords, texcoord_stride, vertex_indices, vidx_stride, normal_indices, nidx_stride, texcoord_indices, tidx_stride, num_face_vertices, num_faces, out_mesh)
    ccall((:rprContextCreateMesh, libRadeonProRender64), rpr_status, (rpr_context, Ptr{rpr_float}, Cint, rpr_int, Ptr{rpr_float}, Cint, rpr_int, Ptr{rpr_float}, Cint, rpr_int, Ptr{rpr_int}, rpr_int, Ptr{rpr_int}, rpr_int, Ptr{rpr_int}, rpr_int, Ptr{rpr_int}, Cint, Ptr{rpr_shape}), context, vertices, num_vertices, vertex_stride, normals, num_normals, normal_stride, texcoords, num_texcoords, texcoord_stride, vertex_indices, vidx_stride, normal_indices, nidx_stride, texcoord_indices, tidx_stride, num_face_vertices, num_faces, out_mesh)

Generator code:

using Clang
using Clang.Generators

# current version checked in is v2.2.9
include_dir = normpath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "RadeonProRenderSDK", "RadeonProRender", "inc"))
# LIBCLANG_HEADERS are those headers to be wrapped.
headers = joinpath.(include_dir, [

# wrapper generator options
options = load_options(joinpath(@__DIR__, "rpr.toml"))

# add compiler flags, e.g. "-DXXXXXXXXX"
args = get_default_args()
push!(args, "-I$include_dir")

ctx = create_context(headers, args, options)

# run generator


library_name = "libRadeonProRender64"
output_file_path = "../src/LibRPR.jl"
module_name = "RPR"
jll_pkg_name = "RadeonProRender_jll"
export_symbol_prefixes = ["RPR", "rpr"]

Repository: https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/RadeonProRender.jl/blob/master/build/generate-master.jl

The segfault resulting from it: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/48865#issuecomment-1452289652

Am I doing something stupid, is the header file confusing Clang, or is Clang really mis-translating this? Would be really surprising, since Clang is used to wrap so many projects in Julia?

SimonDanisch commented 1 year ago

Hm, seems to go wrong on Clangs side already?

args = Union{Expr, Symbol}[:rpr_context, :(Ptr{rpr_float}), :Cint, :rpr_int, :(Ptr{rpr_float}), :Cint, :rpr_int, :(Ptr{rpr_int}), :Cint, :rpr_int, :rpr_int, :(Ptr{Ptr{rpr_float}}), :(Ptr{Cint}), :(Ptr{rpr_int}), :(Ptr{rpr_int}), :rpr_int, :(Ptr{rpr_int}), :rpr_int, :(Ptr{Ptr{rpr_int}}), :(Ptr{rpr_int}), :(Ptr{rpr_int}), :Cint, :(Ptr{rpr_shape})]
  CLParmDecl a CLTypedef rpr_context context
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLTypedef) ` vertices
  CLParmDecl a CLInt int num_vertices
  CLParmDecl a CLTypedef rpr_int vertex_stride
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLTypedef) ` normals
  CLParmDecl a CLInt int num_normals
  CLParmDecl a CLTypedef rpr_int normal_stride
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLTypedef) ` perVertexFlag
  CLParmDecl a CLInt int num_perVertexFlags
  CLParmDecl a CLTypedef rpr_int perVertexFlag_stride
  CLParmDecl a CLTypedef rpr_int numberOfTexCoordLayers
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLPointer) ` texcoords
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLInt) ` num_texcoords
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLTypedef) ` texcoord_stride
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLTypedef) ` vertex_indices
  CLParmDecl a CLTypedef rpr_int vidx_stride
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLTypedef) ` normal_indices
  CLParmDecl a CLTypedef rpr_int nidx_stride
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLPointer) ` texcoord_indices
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLTypedef) ` tidx_stride
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLTypedef) ` num_face_vertices
  CLParmDecl a CLInt int num_faces
  CLParmDecl a pointer to `CLType (CLTypedef) ` out_mesh

See the CLParmDecl a CLInt int num_vertices ... Maybe the included #include "cstddef" in RadeonProRender_v2.h is not resolved correctly?

Gnimuc commented 1 year ago

To quote from Slack:

It seems that the original C header is not well formed. The issue is fixed after I manually fixed the C header. Not all compilation errors can lead to bugs. If a type is translated mistakenly as int , then it’s almost 100% a compilation problem.