JuliaInterop / Clang.jl

C binding generator and Julia interface to libclang
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warning for `library_name` #476

Closed ViralBShah closed 4 months ago

ViralBShah commented 4 months ago

Generating the SuiteSparse wrappers, I got:

┌ Warning: default libname: ":libxxx" is being used, did you forget to set `library_name` in the toml file?
└ @ Clang.Generators ~/.julia/packages/Clang/kNxXb/src/generator/audit.jl:16

However, I do have library_names, and maybe the audit can check for that too.

generator.toml:library_names = {"SuiteSparse_config.h" = "libsuitesparseconfig", "SuiteSparseQR_C.h" = "libspqr", "umfpack.h" = "libumfpack", "cholmod.h" = "libcholmod", "amd.h" = "libamd"}
Gnimuc commented 4 months ago

The design is that library_name can only be omitted in the REPL for quick testing without any options set.