JuliaInterop / Clang.jl

C binding generator and Julia interface to libclang
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Add support for automatically calling unsafe_load() in getproperty() #502

Open JamesWrigley opened 2 weeks ago

JamesWrigley commented 2 weeks ago

Copying the description from the code:

By default the getproperty!(x::Ptr, ::Symbol) methods created for wrapped types will return pointers (Ptr{T}) to the struct fields. That behaviour is useful for accessing nested struct fields but it does require explicitly calling unsafe_load() every time. When enabled this option will automatically call unsafe_load() for you except on nested struct fields and arrays, which should make explicitly calling unsafe_load() unnecessary in most cases.

Here's the generated code for the struct-properties.h header in the tests:

using CEnum: CEnum, @cenum                                                                                                                                                                                                           [75/97867]

struct TypedefStruct                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

struct Other                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
function _getptr(x::Ptr{Other}, f::Symbol)                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    f === :i && return Ptr{Cint}(x + 0)                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    error("Unrecognized field of type `Other`" * ": $(f)")                                                                                                                                                                                     

function Base.getproperty(x::Ptr{Other}, f::Symbol)                                                                                                                                                                                            
    f === :i && return unsafe_load(_getptr(x, f))                                                                                                                                                                                              
    return getfield(x, f)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

function Base.setproperty!(x::Ptr{Other}, f::Symbol, v)                                                                                                                                                                                        
    unsafe_store!(_getptr(x, f), v)                                                                                                                                                                                                            

mutable struct WithFields                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    array::NTuple{2, Cint}                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
function _getptr(x::Ptr{WithFields}, f::Symbol)
    f === :int_value && return Ptr{Cint}(x + 0)
    f === :int_ptr && return Ptr{Ptr{Cint}}(x + 8)
    f === :struct_value && return Ptr{Other}(x + 16)
    f === :struct_ptr && return Ptr{Ptr{Other}}(x + 24)
    f === :typedef_struct_value && return Ptr{TypedefStruct}(x + 32)
    f === :array && return Ptr{NTuple{2, Cint}}(x + 36)
    error("Unrecognized field of type `WithFields`" * ": $(f)")

function Base.getproperty(x::Ptr{WithFields}, f::Symbol)
    f === :int_value && return unsafe_load(_getptr(x, f))
    f === :int_ptr && return unsafe_load(_getptr(x, f))
    f === :struct_value && return _getptr(x, f)
    f === :struct_ptr && return unsafe_load(_getptr(x, f))
    f === :typedef_struct_value && return _getptr(x, f)
    f === :array && return _getptr(x, f)
    return getfield(x, f)

function Base.setproperty!(x::Ptr{WithFields}, f::Symbol, v)
    unsafe_store!(_getptr(x, f), v)

I've also tested it with CImGui.jl: https://github.com/Gnimuc/CImGui.jl/pull/131 I will admit the code is a bit hairy :octopus: Not sure if it's the cleanest implementation.

EDIT: marked as a draft because JET.jl found some issues with it.

JamesWrigley commented 2 weeks ago

The problem JET found was in how bitfields are handled, I believe that's fixed now. My approach was to:

  1. Move the get/set code for bitfields into standalone functions in 129555d.
  2. Have Base.getproperty(x::T, f) and Base.getproperty(x::Ptr{T}, f) both call those functions, so they should both behave the same.

One downside I noticed when playing around with the new wrappers in CImGui is that when we want to write to the struct we really do want to get a pointer instead of unsafe_load()'ing it automatically, e.g.:

# io.ConfigFlags is now a Cint, but we really want a Ptr{Cint}
CImGui.CheckboxFlags("io.ConfigFlags: NavEnableKeyboard", io.ConfigFlags, CImGui.ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard)

The simple fix there would be to use _getptr(io, :ConfigFlags), but that's rather unsatisfying. So I had an evil thought :stuck_out_tongue: What if we add a third parameter to our Base.getproperty() methods, like Base.getproperty(x::Ptr{T}, f::Symbol, as_ptr::Bool=false), and implement a @ptr macro that turns @ptr foo.bar into Base.getproperty(foo, :bar, true)? Then folks could write e.g. @ptr io.ConfigFlags whenever they want a pointer.

On a side note, turns out that all of our wrappers are fantastically inferrable so JET is very good at finding problems with them :)

Gnimuc commented 2 weeks ago

What's the behavior of loading a chain of pointers?

JamesWrigley commented 2 weeks ago

There's an example of that in the tests with @test obj_ptr.struct_value.i == obj.struct_value.i. The rule is that the dereferencing only occurs if the field type isn't a struct or array, so if there's a chain of nested structs Base.getproperty() will return a pointer to each of them just like the current behaviour. But if there's a non-struct/array type at the end of the chain, like an int, then that field will be dereferenced and Base.getproperty() on it will return a Cint.

Gnimuc commented 2 weeks ago

The rule is that the dereferencing only occurs if the field type isn't a struct or array,

I'm pretty sure this gonna confuse newbies, probably LLMs too...

Gnimuc commented 2 weeks ago

see https://giordano.github.io/blog/2019-05-03-julia-get-pointer-value/ for a hack of dereference operator in Julia.

JamesWrigley commented 2 weeks ago

I'm pretty sure this gonna confuse newbies, probably LLMs too...

I actually think it'll make it easier for newbies since they can blindly access nested properties and always get the right result. A good example of this is something like an ImVec2 field:

struct Foo

Currently to access .x and .y they would need to do:

vec = unsafe_load(obj.vec)
vec.x, vec.y

Whereas with this PR they can simply do obj.vec.x and obj.vec.y. In any case, the feature is off by default so folks will have to explicitly opt in to use it. And I confess I don't care very much about LLM's :stuck_out_tongue:

see https://giordano.github.io/blog/2019-05-03-julia-get-pointer-value/ for a hack of dereference operator in Julia.

That's interesting, but it still makes reading fields harder than writing to them. In my experience fields are read more often than written to, so I think it makes sense to sacrifice some write syntax for the sake of making reads simpler.

Gnimuc commented 2 weeks ago

hmm... I kinda agree, but if some packages adopt one rule but not the other, there could be a Vim-vs-Emacs war in the future... πŸ˜„ however, I don't think that's something we can control. and it's not easy to implement this feature out of the source tree, so it's ok to merge I guess.

JamesWrigley commented 2 weeks ago

I would actually like to make this the default at some point in the future :eyes: But that would be wildly breaking so we should probably wait to see if people actually like it first.

But getting a pointer to a field is still a bit tricky :\ What do you think about this idea?

The simple fix there would be to use _getptr(io, :ConfigFlags), but that's rather unsatisfying. So I had an evil thought πŸ˜› What if we add a third parameter to our Base.getproperty() methods, like Base.getproperty(x::Ptr{T}, f::Symbol, as_ptr::Bool=false), and implement a @ptr macro that turns @ptr foo.bar into Base.getproperty(foo, :bar, true)? Then folks could write e.g. @ptr io.ConfigFlags whenever they want a pointer.

Gnimuc commented 2 weeks ago

If it needs another macro anyway, I would rather integrate auto-dereference in the macro as well.

I implemented @c macro in https://github.com/Gnimuc/CSyntax.jl to mimic the & operator in C.

Maybe it can be extended to call some particular field access methods generated by Clang.jl. In this way, the field access behavior are kept as-is, and end users get a handy macro.

Gnimuc commented 2 weeks ago

the main point here is that we can turn @ptr foo.bar into any custom function call, there is not necessary to pirates Base.getproperty.

JamesWrigley commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah @c would actually be perfect :thinking: Unless I'm mistaken, I think we do need to use Base.getproperty() though? The reason is that some code living outside of the bindings has no other way to know which getptr() function to call. For example:

module MyPackage

module lib

using CSyntax
x() = @c lib.foo().bar

Presumably the field access methods are in lib, but @c has no idea about that so it can't know it has to put in a call to lib.getptr instead of getptr. An alternative would be to define methods of functions defined in either Clang.jl or CSyntax.jl or CEnum.jl, but that would make either package a hard dependency.

Gnimuc commented 2 weeks ago

Presumably the field access methods are in lib, but @c has no idea about that so it can't know it has to put in a call to lib.getptr instead of getptr. An alternative would be to define methods of functions defined in either Clang.jl or CSyntax.jl or CEnum.jl, but that would make either package a hard dependency.

parentmodule(typeof(Foo())).getptr can do the trick.

Gnimuc commented 2 weeks ago
julia> module Foo
         struct Bar
         getx(x::Bar) = "x"
         export Bar

julia> using .Foo

julia> @generated function getxxx(x::T) where {T}
         mod = parentmodule(T)
getxxx (generic function with 1 method)

julia> macro c(x, ex...)
@c (macro with 1 method)

julia> @c Bar(1)
JamesWrigley commented 2 weeks ago

Ah, nice :+1: And with luck that'll constant fold away.

JamesWrigley commented 1 week ago

I ended up implementing @ptr in the module itself in 89be1a6 because then we can just use @__MODULE__.

Latest codegen ```julia using CEnum: CEnum, @cenum macro ptr(expr) if !isa(expr, Expr) || expr.head != :. error("Expression is not a property access") end quote local penultimate_obj = $(esc(expr.args[1])) (@__MODULE__).getptr(penultimate_obj, $(esc(expr.args[2]))) end end struct TypedefStruct i::Cint end struct Other i::Cint end function getptr(x::Ptr{Other}, f::Symbol) f === :i && return Ptr{Cint}(x + 0) error("Unrecognized field of type `Other`" * ": $(f)") end function Base.getproperty(x::Ptr{Other}, f::Symbol) f === :i && return unsafe_load(getptr(x, f)) return getfield(x, f) end function Base.setproperty!(x::Ptr{Other}, f::Symbol, v) unsafe_store!(getptr(x, f), v) end mutable struct WithFields int_value::Cint int_ptr::Ptr{Cint} struct_value::Other struct_ptr::Ptr{Other} typedef_struct_value::TypedefStruct array::NTuple{2, Cint} end function getptr(x::Ptr{WithFields}, f::Symbol) f === :int_value && return Ptr{Cint}(x + 0) f === :int_ptr && return Ptr{Ptr{Cint}}(x + 8) f === :struct_value && return Ptr{Other}(x + 16) f === :struct_ptr && return Ptr{Ptr{Other}}(x + 24) f === :typedef_struct_value && return Ptr{TypedefStruct}(x + 32) f === :array && return Ptr{NTuple{2, Cint}}(x + 36) error("Unrecognized field of type `WithFields`" * ": $(f)") end function Base.getproperty(x::Ptr{WithFields}, f::Symbol) f === :int_value && return unsafe_load(getptr(x, f)) f === :int_ptr && return unsafe_load(getptr(x, f)) f === :struct_value && return getptr(x, f) f === :struct_ptr && return unsafe_load(getptr(x, f)) f === :typedef_struct_value && return getptr(x, f) f === :array && return getptr(x, f) return getfield(x, f) end function Base.setproperty!(x::Ptr{WithFields}, f::Symbol, v) unsafe_store!(getptr(x, f), v) end ```

I want to play around with it a bit more in CImGui.jl before merging, but what do you think?

JamesWrigley commented 1 week ago

Hmm, looks like nightly is broken:

Gnimuc commented 6 days ago

IIUC, with the new flag off, we can get the same output as before, right?

JamesWrigley commented 6 days ago

Almost the same, the only difference is that with 129555d the logic for bitfields will be in standalone getbitfieldproperty()/setbitfieldproperty!() functions instead of being inline with Base.getproperty()/Base.setproperty!(). But the behaviour should be identical :crossed_fingers: I already added a test for that in the bitfield tests in 2e7e00d, but I'll add some more to make it doesn't regress.

EDIT: added some tests for the default behaviour in 73ed7ff.

Gnimuc commented 5 days ago

I don't know how many people are using this package. But let’s take a poll and see if there are any unexpected problems.

This PR provides an alternative method for field access.

The default behavior is that accessing a field always returns a Ptr and one needs to call unsafe_load manually to load/copy the value.

The opt-in behavior provided by this PR is that:

  1. Accessing a field will automatically call unsafe_load to load/copy the value if the field type isn't a struct or array.
  2. When a pointer is needed, the macro @ptr needs to be called manually.
  3. The rest of the behavior is the same as the default behavior.

Please leave a πŸ‘πŸ» or πŸ‘ŽπŸ» reaction, and any feedback is appreciated.

JamesWrigley commented 5 days ago

Sounds good :) In the meantime I'll try fixing nightly.

JamesWrigley commented 1 day ago

Alrighty, now we're back in the green :green_circle: