JuliaInterop / JavaCall.jl

Call Java from Julia
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Is convert_args safe with finalizer? #95

Open clouds56 opened 5 years ago

clouds56 commented 5 years ago

Now JavaCall tries to use saved_args to keep reference of JavaObject while pass arg.ptr into JNI FFI. https://github.com/JuliaInterop/JavaCall.jl/blob/d6c3678d3a93fae903fb3ab1cb1ea7ea1fc91f92/src/core.jl#L244-L248

But saved_args is not referenced after it created, it might be garbage collected at any time (even before ccall). I learnt from this gc would only occurs when allocates memory (so current code might work now), but it is hard to trace memory allocation.

Is there any better solution that telling gc not to collect saved_args?

clouds56 commented 5 years ago

Could we use GC.@preserve here?

c42f commented 4 years ago

Yes, this use of savedArgs looks likely incorrect.

If it's possible to overload cconvert for the types which are being passed here, that should be the preferred solution. ccall already has builtin support for GC rooting its arguments after cconvert, but before unsafe_convert.

If for some reason the cconvert mechanism won't work here, you can use GC.@preserve.

mkitti commented 4 years ago

@aviks was telling me that this code was written before cconvert existed. We may be able to remove it enitrely and let the ccall and cconvert handle it as @c42f suggests.

aviks commented 4 years ago

So here is the commit that added savedArgs, about 5 years ago: https://github.com/JuliaInterop/JavaCall.jl/commit/6993eb6c834a3358453dd96e6cefe0e94617eaf4 . cconvert was either very new, or just about to be released. GC.@preserve certainly wasnt around.

This change was done deliberately, and did fix some reported segfaults, so it did help. And we've not had any reports of JavaCall segfaults in years (not that this is foolproof evidence, but we used to get regular crash reports earlier, but this fix, and another around casting, made all of that go away)

Still, I can sorta see why this might be problematic, and cconvert might the correct option. But the argument conversions are a bit wierd, and I'm not entirely sure fi cconvert works in all cases -- if only because I havent had the chance to think about it deeply. GC.@preserveing savedArgs might be a simpler, but uglier, fix

c42f commented 4 years ago

This change was done deliberately, and did fix some reported segfaults, so it did help.

Absolutely, it's very likely that this fixed the crashes in practice!

But if so, this is an implementation detail of the Julia runtime. In the future, it's very likely that Julia codegen will aggressively elide roots more and more often, and these crashes will emerge again.

I don't think it much matters whether you use the ccall builtin rooting, or GC.@preserve: choose whichever you think is easier to understand in the context of the JavaCall implementation.

Note also that cconvert itself doesn't cause any rooting, or really have anything to do with the GC. It's the compilation of ccall itself which is special: ccall roots arguments passed to it as they come out of cconvert, but before they go into unsafe_convert. If you examine the macro expansion of the new @ccall macro in 1.5 you will more clearly see how the conversion pipeline works, and which things are rooted:

julia> @macroexpand @ccall foo(x::A, y::B)::C
    var"#15#arg1root" = Base.cconvert(A, x)
    var"#16#arg1"     = Base.unsafe_convert(A, var"#15#arg1root")
    var"#17#arg2root" = Base.cconvert(B, y)
    var"#18#arg2"     = Base.unsafe_convert(B, var"#17#arg2root")
           :(Core.svec(A, B)),

The things named arg$(n)root are rooted during the foreigncall (foreigncall is a new internal name for ccall, more or less).