Consider this attached file (please rename it as "tester.ipynb"): tester.txt.
It has just 2 cells, with 6 lines of code in total. If you open it in Jupyter, it runs fine. But if you try to read it with the following command, you get an error.
The error says,
UndefVarError: s not defined
[1] top-level scope at C:\Users\loew\loewCloud\CALO\2019-10\tester.ipynb:In[+2]:4
[2] include_string(::Module, ::String, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1064
[3] my_include_string(::Module, ::String, ::String, ::Nothing, ::Bool) at C:\Users\loew\.julia\packages\NBInclude\m4rfj\src\NBInclude.jl:29
[4] #nbinclude#1(::Bool, ::UnitRange{Int64}, ::Regex, ::typeof(identity), ::Bool, ::typeof(nbinclude), ::Module, ::String) at C:\Users\loew\.julia\packages\NBInclude\m4rfj\src\NBInclude.jl:82
[5] nbinclude(::Module, ::String) at C:\Users\loew\.julia\packages\NBInclude\m4rfj\src\NBInclude.jl:53
[6] top-level scope at In[2]:1
I have Julia 1.2.0, with IJulia v1.20.0 and NBInclude v2.1.0.
I hope there is enough information here to decide if this is a bug in your package and how to fix it. If the bug is in my understanding/expectations instead, then I will be grateful to learn more. Either way, I have something extra to thank you for ... in addition to this useful module!
Consider this attached file (please rename it as "tester.ipynb"): tester.txt.
It has just 2 cells, with 6 lines of code in total. If you open it in Jupyter, it runs fine. But if you try to read it with the following command, you get an error.
The error says,
I have Julia 1.2.0, with IJulia v1.20.0 and NBInclude v2.1.0.
I hope there is enough information here to decide if this is a bug in your package and how to fix it. If the bug is in my understanding/expectations instead, then I will be grateful to learn more. Either way, I have something extra to thank you for ... in addition to this useful module!