JuliaInterop / RCall.jl

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ERROR: UndefVarError: `val` not defined #510

Open schlichtanders opened 7 months ago

schlichtanders commented 7 months ago

RCall reval cannot handle empty strings, but instead throws a quite surprising error.

julia> using RCall
julia> reval("# mycomment")
ERROR: UndefVarError: `val` not defined
 [1] reval_p(expr::Ptr{RCall.ExprSxp}, env::Ptr{EnvSxp})
   @ RCall ~/.julia/packages/RCall/gOwEW/src/eval.jl:126
 [2] reval(str::String, env::RObject{EnvSxp})
   @ RCall ~/.julia/packages/RCall/gOwEW/src/eval.jl:136
 [3] reval(str::String)
   @ RCall ~/.julia/packages/RCall/gOwEW/src/eval.jl:136
 [4] top-level scope
   @ REPL[7]:1

Either the error message could be improved, or, which would be my preferred option, simple return nothing in these cases.