JuliaIntervals / IntervalArithmetic.jl

Library for validated numerics using interval arithmetic
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Small fixes for ExactReal #638

Closed Kolaru closed 2 months ago

Kolaru commented 2 months ago

This contains two small fixes that are useful for the update of IntervalRootFinding.

  1. Allow to use ExactReal{<:Integer} to index an array.
  2. Fix derivative of ^ when mixing ExactReal and Interval in the ForwardDiff extension.

The first one in particular may be handy for everyone, when working with vectors of interval for example. With this PR, indexing work as intuitively expected with @exact

julia> @exact f(x) = x[1] + x[2] + 1.2
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> X = [interval(-1, 1), interval(-0.1, 3)]
2-element Vector{Interval{Float64}}:
 [-1.0, 1.0]_com
 [-0.100001, 3.0]_com

julia> f(X)
[0.0999999, 5.20001]_com
OlivierHnt commented 2 months ago

Nice ! LGTM