JuliaIntervals / IntervalArithmetic.jl

Library for validated numerics using interval arithmetic
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ForwardDiff with min, max, and clamp #640

Open smkatz12 opened 2 months ago

smkatz12 commented 2 months ago

Hi! We are working on a textbook chapter on reachability analysis and are interested in support for intervals when using ForwardDiff.jl to compute gradients and hessians of functions that use the min, max, and clamp. The current behavior with these functions does not cause an error but is incorrect. We have written the functions below to correct for this. These functions could be added to IntervalArithmeticForwardDiffExt.jl.

function Base.max(x::Dual{T,V,N}, y::AbstractFloat) where {T,V<:Interval,N}
    if value(x).hi < y
        return Dual{T,V,N}(y..y, (0..0) * partials(x))
    elseif value(x).lo > y
        return Dual{T,V,N}(value(x), (1..1) * partials(x))
        return Dual{T,V,N}(y..value(x).hi, (0..1) * partials(x))

function Base.max(x::Dual{T,Dual{T2,V2,N2},N}, y::AbstractFloat) where {T,T2,V2<:Interval,N2,N}
    if value(value(x)).hi < y
        return Dual{T,Dual{T2,V2,N2},N}(Dual{T2,V2,N2}(y..y), (0..0) * partials(x))
    elseif value(value(x)).lo > y
        return Dual{T,Dual{T2,V2,N2},N}(value(x), (1..1) * partials(x))
        return Dual{T,Dual{T2,V2,N2},N}(Dual{T2,V2,N2}(y..value(value(x)).hi, partials(value(x))), (0..1) * partials(x))

function Base.min(x::Dual{T,V,N}, y::AbstractFloat) where {T,V<:Interval,N}
    if value(x).lo > y
        return Dual{T,V,N}(y..y, (0..0) * partials(x))
    elseif value(x).hi < y
        return Dual{T,V,N}(value(x), (1..1) * partials(x))
        return Dual{T,V,N}(value(x).lo..y, (0..1) * partials(x))

function Base.min(x::Dual{T,Dual{T2,V2,N2},N}, y::AbstractFloat) where {T,T2,V2<:Interval,N2,N}
    if value(value(x)).lo > y
        return Dual{T,Dual{T2,V2,N2},N}(Dual{T2,V2,N2}(y..y), (0..0) * partials(x))
    elseif value(value(x)).hi < y
        return Dual{T,Dual{T2,V2,N2},N}(value(x), (1..1) * partials(x))
        return Dual{T,Dual{T2,V2,N2},N}(Dual{T2,V2,N2}(value(value(x)).lo..y, partials(value(x))), (0..1) * partials(x))

function Base.clamp(i::Dual{T,V,N}, lo::AbstractFloat, hi::AbstractFloat) where {T,V<:Interval,N}
    return min(max(i, lo), hi)

function Base.clamp(i::Dual{T,Dual{T2,V2,N2},N}, lo::AbstractFloat, hi::AbstractFloat) where {T,T2,V2<:Interval,N2,N}
    return min(max(i, lo), hi)


function f(x)
    return x[1]^2 + clamp(x[2], 1.5, 2.5)^3

ForwardDiff.hessian(f, [2..3, 1..2])

Current output:

2×2 Matrix{Interval{Float64}}:
 [2, 2]   [0, 0]
 [0, 0]  [6, 12]

Correct output using code above:

2×2 Matrix{Interval{Float64}}:
 [2, 2]   [0, 0]
 [0, 0]  [0, 12]
OlivierHnt commented 2 months ago

Thx for opening an issue.

What version of IntervalArithmetic are you using? On 0.22.11 the example you gave returns an error, as it should since no one implemented the functions you describe.

That being said, it would be nice it improve support for ForwardDiff. Then we must also address the question of decorations.

smkatz12 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply! I was using an old version of IntervalArithmetic. I updated and confirmed that I now get an error when running that code. In terms of adding support for these functions, do you want us to submit a pull request? What are your recommendations for decorations?

Kolaru commented 2 months ago

A PR would be great :)

We'll review the PR in more details, but there is a bunch of subtleties to take into account:

I hope this is not overwhelming, please let us know if you need help or advice about anything.