JuliaInv / MUMPSjInv.jl

MUMPS interface for Julia
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Allow sparse rhs to be input as SparseVector #18

Closed Pbellive closed 6 years ago

Pbellive commented 6 years ago

Currently need to input an n X 1 SparseMatrixCSC for single sparse rhs. Also added precompilation.

Pbellive commented 6 years ago

You're right of course @Sacha0. The lines you flagged should have been

colptr = [1; nzrhs + 1]

I pushed the wrong thing. Sorry about that and thanks for pointing it out. I fixed the error, added tests, and organized the tests in to sets. Think this should be good to go now.

Pbellive commented 6 years ago

Is everyone ok to merge this now? I'm happy to make changes if needed but if people are happy with it as is, it would be great to get this merged. @lruthotto are you currently the only person with permission to merge PRs for this repo?


lruthotto commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the wait, Patrick. This looks fabulous (as usual). I think everyone in JuliaSparse can merge this.