Open vchuravy opened 5 years ago
using Cassette
using InteractiveUtils
Cassette.@context Ctx
g(x, y, args...) = args
f(x, y, args...) = Cassette.overdub(Ctx(), Core._apply, g, x, y, args...)
@show @code_typed f(1, 2)
➜ experiments git:(master) ✗ ~/builds/julia/julia apply.jl
#= /home/vchuravy/src/experiments/apply.jl:8 =# @code_typed(f(1, 2)) = CodeInfo(
1 ─ %1 = Core._apply::typeof(Core._apply)
│ %2 = (%1)(Cassette.overdub, (Cassette.Context{nametype(Ctx),Nothing,Nothing,getfield(Cassette, Symbol("##PassType#399")),Nothing,Nothing}(nametype(Ctx)(), nothing, nothing, getfield(Cassette, Symbol("##PassType#399"))(), nothing, nothing), g), x, y)::Tuple{}
└── return %2
) => Tuple{}
➜ experiments git:(master) ✗ ~/builds/julia/julia apply.jl
#= /home/vchuravy/src/experiments/apply.jl:8 =# @code_typed(f(1, 2)) = CodeInfo(
1 ─ return ()
) => Tuple{}
But apparently it breaks other things right now.
In I noticed that calls like
f(a, b, args...) = Core._apply(g, (a, b), args...)
where not being inlined, whereasf(a, b, args...) = Core._apply(f, (a, b), args)
will be inlined.@jrevels I am not sure if that impacts any of the
handling inoverdub.jl