JuliaLabs / Cassette.jl

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Cassette compilation fails as of Julia commit 6ce28008ba6db324b171909fa8e641fe8bce9db4 #197

Closed jcampolongo closed 1 year ago

jcampolongo commented 2 years ago

Julia commit 6ce28008ba6db324b171909fa8e641fe8bce9db4 (at https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/commit/6ce28008ba6db324b171909fa8e641fe8bce9db4) change the type signature for the method in base/boot.jl:

LineInfoNode(mod::Module, @nospecialize(method), file::Symbol, line::Int, inlined_at::Int)

Now, the verbose_lineinfo call in Cassette's overdub.jl (line 61) fails with the error below.

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching Core.LineInfoNode(::Module, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::Int32, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
  Core.LineInfoNode(::Module, ::Any, ::Symbol, ::Int32, ::Int32) at boot.jl:413
  [1] verbose_lineinfo!(ci::Core.CodeInfo, sig::Type{<:Tuple})
    @ Cassette ~/.julia/packages/Cassette/34vIw/src/overdub.jl:61
simeonschaub commented 1 year ago

fixed in #196