JuliaLang / Compat.jl

Compatibility across Julia versions
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Generalized dot test sensitve to numerical precision #712

Closed martinholters closed 4 years ago

martinholters commented 4 years ago

The tests at https://github.com/JuliaLang/Compat.jl/blob/e667af7e6e31c090776249f9a1b5df2684a571d2/test/runtests.jl#L171-L173 sometimes fail for Float32 eltype with an error that can probably be attributed to numerical precision issues, e.g.

  Expression: dot(x, transpose(A), y) ≈ dot(x, transpose(A) * y) ≈ x' * transpose(A) * y ≈ (x' * transpose(A)) * y
   Evaluated: -0.0029978678f0 ≈ -0.0029971108f0 ≈ -0.0029982424f0 ≈ -0.0029982424f0

The same tests appear in the LinearAlgebra tests: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/29826c2c0893488dce0d4ee92b457f7f1a586dfb/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/test/generic.jl#L472-L474 So Julia is probably effected as well.

The probability of failing seems to be quite low (around 0.02% in a brief experiment), but it would still be nice to sort this out. CC @dkarrasch who added these tests in julia and @mcabbott who brought them here.

dkarrasch commented 4 years ago

Perhaps we should set a random seed somewhere close to the tests, and change that in case RNGs start to produce bad numbers.

mcabbott commented 4 years ago

I thought testsets did set a consistent seed, although the result isn't fixed across versions.

For example, this passes for me every time on Julia 1.5.0-rc1, and fails every time on 1.4.2:

using Test
@testset "stuff" begin
    @show rand()
    @test rand()>0.5
stevengj commented 4 years ago

Any dot product test will be badly conditioned (very sensitive to roundoff error and hence likely to fail the test of relative error) if you pick two vectors that happen to be nearly orthogonal.

Fortunately, this is a low-probability event, so it should suffice to set the seed. (Even if Julia changes the random-number generator in a future version, there is a low probability that we will need to change the seed.)

(Similarly for pretty much any test that involves computation with random numbers.)

@mcabbott, my understanding is that @testset sets the seed to the global seed, but this does not result in a deterministic test across multiple runs unless you call Random.seed! explicitly in the global scope first.

mcabbott commented 4 years ago

Thanks, sadly I did not get as far as actually reading the docs...

Should be simple to fix the seed though, will make a PR unless someone beats me to it.