JuliaLang / Compat.jl

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Support import renaming through at-compat macro. #725

Closed fredrikekre closed 3 years ago

fredrikekre commented 3 years ago

@JeffBezanson do you mind reviewing this? The code is based on https://github.com/fredrikekre/ImportMacros.jl so it has been tested in the wild. The difference is that this is a string macro since using A: a as b does not parse on earlier versions.

martinholters commented 3 years ago

The difference is that this is a string macro since using A: a as b does not parse on earlier versions.

Maybe we can still use a normal macro:

julia> VERSION

julia> macro foo(ex...)
@foo (macro with 1 method)

julia> @foo using A: a as b


It parses as three expressions (using A: a, as, and b), so it does not work when parenthesized:

julia> @foo(using A: a as b)
ERROR: syntax: missing comma or ) in argument list

But that might be a tolerable restriction.

fredrikekre commented 3 years ago

Thanks, not sure why I didn't try that, but it does not quite work if you import macros (?):

julia> macro foo(ex...)
           @show ex
@foo (macro with 1 method)

julia> @foo using A: @a as @b, c as d
ex = (:(using A: @a),)
(:(using A: @a),)
martinholters commented 3 years ago

Indeed. Seems to be some unfortunate parser quirk:

julia> :(using A: @a as @b)
:(using A: @a)

julia> using Base: @warn everything here seems to be lost

julia> :(using Base: @warn(everything, here, seems, to, be, lost))
:(using Base: @warn)


Looks like this is parsed as a macrocall, and when it is found to be part of a using, the macroname is extracted and the arguments are ignored (silently assuming there are none). Anyway, nothing we can fix after the fact.

So looks like the options are:

  1. Keep using compat"..." for this.
  2. Switch to @compat and accept that this cannot be used for renaming macros, which may not be the most important feature.
  3. Provide @compat and compat"...", with only the latter supporting macro renaming.

My personal preference would be 2, with the option of extending to 3 in the future if the need arises. But I've never really missed import renaming in the first place, so my opinion might not be too relevant here.

fredrikekre commented 3 years ago

I agree, I think this will be used mostly for modules names anyway and not on individual names.

fredrikekre commented 3 years ago


martinholters commented 3 years ago

There is an edge case where this behaves wrong:

julia> @compat import LinearAlgebra: BLAS.dot as bd

julia> bd
dot (generic function with 3 methods) # julia 1.6 (after #37396)
LinearAlgebra.BLAS # julia 1.5

Also, the following just errors on 1.5:

julia> @compat import LinearAlgebra: BLAS.dot as bd, BLAS.gemm as bg
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Expr to an object of type Symbol

Stumbled upon this because I expected the following to fail because it tries to import the two different foos into the same gensymed module and wanted to verify my suspicion:

julia> module M; module Foo; foo() = 1; end; module Bar; foo() = 2; end; end

julia> @compat import M: Foo.foo as foo1, Bar.foo as foo2

But of course, it instead fails with the same error as the one above.

Not sure how tragic any of this is.

fredrikekre commented 3 years ago
@compat import LinearAlgebra: BLAS.dot as bd

Ah, didnt realize this syntax was valid, I thought you had to do import LinearAlgebra.BLAS: dot as bd which is also the reason I opted for a single gensym module per invocation, rather than one per alias.