JuliaLang / Distributed.jl

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Failed `addprocs` attempt hangs instead of timing out when attempting to connect via SSH #31

Open jrevels opened 8 years ago

jrevels commented 8 years ago

The following appears to hang without ever timing out on my local machine (I let it run for a few minutes before interrupting it):

julia> addprocs(["user@host"], tunnel=true)

Traceback from the interrupt:

ERROR: InterruptException:
 in parse_connection_info at multi.jl:1048
 in read_worker_host_port at multi.jl:1040
 in connect at managers.jl:224
 in create_worker at multi.jl:1201
 in setup_launched_worker at multi.jl:1148
 in anonymous at task.jl:447
 in sync_end at ./task.jl:413
 [inlined code] from task.jl:422
 in addprocs at multi.jl:1114
 in addprocs at managers.jl:52

I believe the actual "hanging" part of this is probably firewall-related on my end, but I posted this issue because the timeout I expected from reading the addprocs doc never occurs (neither the default 60 second timeout or JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT seem to matter).

For clarity's sake, running ssh user@host in the shell works fine.

jakebolewski commented 8 years ago

Weird, I ran into the same issue today.