JuliaLang / Distributed.jl

Create and control multiple Julia processes remotely for distributed computing. Ships as a Julia stdlib.
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Dynamic @distributed scheduling #45

Open tecosaur opened 9 months ago

tecosaur commented 9 months ago

It is great that @threads now supports (and uses by default) :dynamic scheduling. As a mirror to that, it would make quite a bit of sense if @distributed could handle dynamic scheduling. As I currently understand it, the best way to currently achieve this would be:

using Distributed


@everywhere function dynamicforeach(f, channel)
    while isopen(channel)
            task = take!(channel)
            if isnothing(task)
        catch e
            e isa InvalidStateException && e.state === :closed && break

tasks = 1:20

channel = RemoteChannel(() -> Channel{Union{eltype(tasks), Nothing}}(length(tasks)+1))
foreach(t -> put!(channel, t), tasks)
put!(channel, nothing) # Sentinel, end-task

@everywhere dynamicforeach(task -> println("did $task"), $channel)

It would be both much nicer, and I think rather appropriate if @distributed accepted a :static/:dynamic scheduling argument like @threads does, and allowed for the following instead of the above:

@distributed :dynamic for task in 1:20
    println("did $task")

Going further, I think that :dynamic could actually be a sensible default for distributed scheduling.

Xref: JuliaLang/julia#17887 for having a consistent distributed/threaded API Xref: JuliaLang/julia#41966 for tedious channel taking Xref: JuliaLang/julia#48515 for iterating a RemoteChannel Xref: JuliaLang/julia#33892 for maybe using a CachingPool too?

raminammour commented 9 months ago

How would this be different than pmap?

tecosaur commented 9 months ago

In effect? Upon inspection, not much, since pmap already does dynamic scheduling*. However, I think this is could worth doing for the sake of discovery and API consistency. See the first X-ref.

*Maybe this is worth adding to the docs? I wasn't actually aware of this until I tried it.

vchuravy commented 9 months ago

For me @distributed has been something that I would love to remove, but of course we can't since that would be API breaking.

But Distributed.jl needs some love so I don't want to discourage you :)