JuliaLang / Distributed.jl

Create and control multiple Julia processes remotely for distributed computing. Ships as a Julia stdlib.
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`pmap_reduce` function #47

Open GregPlowman opened 6 years ago

GregPlowman commented 6 years ago

I have need for a pmap_reduce function.

In Julia v0.5 and earlier, I was able to customize the base pmap to provide what I needed. However since v0.6, parallel processing including pmap has been overhauled and largely rewritten. To a non-expert like me, it is much more complex and impenetrable, compared to the simpler implementation of earlier versions, which is still given as an example in the Parallel Computing section of the manual. https://docs.julialang.org/en/stable/manual/parallel-computing/#Scheduling-1

Are there any issues with continuing in v0.6 and later to model my own pmap_reduce on the v0.5 pmap? What are the benefits of the new implementation of pmap?

Alternatively, would you consider a feature request for an official pmap_reduce?

andreasnoack commented 6 years ago

See the discussion in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/19578. Right now our pmapreduce is hidden as @parallel (op) for

GregPlowman commented 6 years ago

Thanks for that reference Andreas.

The problem for me with @parallel (op) for is that it statically partitions the iterations across workers, whereas I want the dynamic load balancing of pmap. I want pmapreduce rather than pmap, otherwise memory blows out.

Hopefully a new pmapreduce will distribute work dynamically and minimize memory usage.

I guess for now, I'll try to use my own v0.5 pmapreduce with v0.6. Let's see if it's compatible.

amitmurthy commented 6 years ago

The following should do what you need (no batching and retrying though):

v = initial_val
for x in Base.AsyncGenerator(y->remotecall_fetch(foo_map_func, default_worker_pool(), y), collection_to_be_mapreduced; ntasks=nworkers())
   v = foo_reduce_func(v, x)

Unexported AsyncGenerator and pgenerate should be used as the basis for a pmap_reduce when implemented. Note that pgenerate appears to be currently broken.

Uroc327 commented 2 years ago

Are there any plans to add a pmapreduce or a load-balancing variant of @distributed to the stdlib?