JuliaLang / Distributed.jl

Create and control multiple Julia processes remotely for distributed computing. Ships as a Julia stdlib.
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global constant not automatically transferred along with function call #68

Open pmcvay opened 4 years ago

pmcvay commented 4 years ago

After creating a shared array available to all processees, the array is unavailable unless a fetchfrom is called first. Here is a simple example demonstrating it. (Note, I run it with julia -p 4 test.jl which is why Distributed isn't loaded)

@everywhere using SharedArrays

const arr = SharedArray{Int64, 2}((5,5))

for i in 1:5
    arr[i, :] = fill(i, 5)

@everywhere function test()
    arr[myid(), myid()] = 10
    return arr[myid(), :]

println(remotecall_fetch(test, 2)) # doesn't work, throws err arr is undefined
@fetchfrom 2 arr
println(remotecall_fetch(test, 2)) # works now
println(remotecall_fetch(test, 3)) # still doesn't work on this worker unless a fetchfrom is called for this processor too

The arrays I'm using are quite big and so running a fetchfrom for each running worker is not very efficient