JuliaLang / Downloads.jl

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Nightly Build failing, it says Downloads.jl does not include NetworkOptions.jl but it does. #246

Closed drizk1 closed 1 week ago

drizk1 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello. Thank you for your work on this package.

I am trying to add Oracle via Oracle.jl as a backend for TidierDB. For the tests, I keep getting the error below for the nightly build. I have tried deleting and rebuilding the manifest.toml with no success and the same error.

ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package Downloads does not have NetworkOptions in its dependencies:
- Note that the following manifests in the load path were resolved a potentially
  different DEV version of the current version, which may be the cause
  of the error:

If this issue is not something I should raise here, I will close this issue. Thank you.

giordano commented 2 weeks ago

A minimal reproducer would be helpful.

have tried deleting and rebuilding the manifest.toml with no success and the same error.

I don't see any manifest file in https://github.com/TidierOrg/TidierDB.jl.

drizk1 commented 2 weeks ago

My apologies, thank you for your timely response.

I have just recommitted the manifest.toml here.

I am not sure how to add a minimal reproducer since I am not actually using the package but this is rather due to dependencies in other packages ( i think)

giordano commented 2 weeks ago

https://github.com/TidierOrg/TidierDB.jl/blob/0a1e5e68602b780b945b2f7c69f16191232b4399/Manifest.toml#L3 that's a manifest for julia v1.9.1, manifest files are expected not to be necessarily compatible across different julia versions.

drizk1 commented 2 weeks ago

Hmm ok. So is there no way for this test to be able to pass for the nightly build as well?

The only other time I experienced an issue w a nightly build failing there was a bug in DF.jl source code, which when fixed, fixed the issue, so my frame of reference is limited

giordano commented 2 weeks ago

Hmm ok. So is there no way for this test to be able to pass for the nightly build as well?

Normally I'd say it shouldn't be a problem (just don't use manifests), but I don't know what you're doing to run into that issue, and without a minimal reproducer to look at it's hard to do or say anything more specific.

drizk1 commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, thank you for you help. I wish I knew what I was doing to run into this issue to. If i figure out how to come up with a minimal reproducer I will return to this issue. For now I will leave it in a branch outside of main. Thank you!