With IJulia and Conda added in the julia 1.6.2 REPL, I execute the following:
using IJulia, Conda
This gives error:
ERROR: jupyter not found is not installed, cannot run notebook
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base ./error.jl:33
[2] find_jupyter_subcommand(subcommand::String)
@ IJulia ~/.julia/packages/IJulia/e8kqU/src/jupyter.jl:25
[3] notebook(; dir::String, detached::Bool)
@ IJulia ~/.julia/packages/IJulia/e8kqU/src/jupyter.jl:96
[4] notebook()
@ IJulia ~/.julia/packages/IJulia/e8kqU/src/jupyter.jl:95
[5] top-level scope
@ REPL[6]:1
So the jupyter server is not starting and a notebook is not opening in Safari.
I tried this as shown, expecting a prompt to install an internal jupyter, but that prompt never appeared.
I also tried starting jupyter under a separate conda installation and evaluating simply...
using IJulia
...but get the same error.
Note that if I do start jupyter within my external conda environment, then I have no trouble directly browsing to, opening, and evaluating a notebook that connects to the julia kernel.
With IJulia and Conda added in the julia 1.6.2 REPL, I execute the following:
This gives error:
So the jupyter server is not starting and a notebook is not opening in Safari.
I tried this as shown, expecting a prompt to install an internal jupyter, but that prompt never appeared.
I also tried starting jupyter under a separate conda installation and evaluating simply...
...but get the same error.
Note that if I do start jupyter within my external conda environment, then I have no trouble directly browsing to, opening, and evaluating a notebook that connects to the julia kernel.