JuliaLang / JuliaSyntax.jl

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Diagnostics are too chatty #442

Open davidanthoff opened 4 days ago

davidanthoff commented 4 days ago

I've started implementing a linter that will eventually power the LS. For now all it does is use the diagnostic messages from JuliaSyntax. https://github.com/davidanthoff/StringBuilders.jl/pull/96/files is an example. There is one syntax error, a missing ) on line 14 and the error message for that is nice.

But then all the other error messages after it I feel ideally would not appear at all. In my mind once the parser recognizes that the error on line 14, it should continue parsing pretending that the error was fixed and then not report all these knock-off errors further down in the file.

This is actually probably a reason to not surface the diagnostics in the VS Code extension yet. CSTParser doesn't have a nice error message, but it just stops processing the file after this first error, which at the end of the day is probably a better user experience because the error list is not populated by lots of false-positive like things.

FYI @pfitzseb

KristofferC commented 4 days ago

You can chose what to propagate, or? Analogous to https://github.com/JuliaLang/JuliaSyntax.jl/pull/344

davidanthoff commented 4 days ago

That is true, we can easily go back to the CSTParser situation by just reporting the first error. Having said that, it would be nice if the error recovery here would be better :)

davidanthoff commented 1 day ago

https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/16151#issuecomment-269741300 is interesting. I would imagine that in the case I linked to, we detect that a closing ) is missing, and then bubble up one level and continue parsing normally, as if that ) was there, right?