JuliaLang / PackageCompiler.jl

Compile your Julia Package
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Compiled app failure with Flux on AArch64/no GPU #820

Open cirobr opened 1 year ago

cirobr commented 1 year ago


I am working on an app that should run on an AArch64 multi-core device, no GPU. To become familiar with PackageCompiler, I have initially compiled a simple println("Hello Word!"). As the function belongs to core Julia, no other package was added to the manifest. Compilation of source code and execution went well.

Next, I have compiled the Hello World again, with the only difference I have added the Flux package to the manifest. Compilation went well (with remarks) and execution failed.

During compilation of the above Hello World + Flux, I've noticed CUDA package and many CUDA-related artifacts were added to the compilation process. To recap, neither CUDA nor anything besides Flux is on manifest.

Furthermore, when executing the object code, the long error message from below was given:

` Downloaded artifact: CUDA_Driver Downloaded artifact: CUDA_Driver fatal: error thrown and no exception handler available. InitError(mod=:CUDA_Driver_jll, error=ErrorException("Unable to automatically download/install artifact 'CUDA_Driver' from sources listed in '/home/ciro/.julia/packages/CUDA_Driver_jll/3xFy2/Artifacts.toml'. Sources attempted:

Julia version is 1.9.0, Flux v0.13.16, and Package Compiler v2.1.7.

Thanks in advance for advising.
